So I've decided bands shouldn't have forums. And here's a list of why I think that:
- Some people are morons! Ok now I'm being a moron because whenever people don't give respect to other people on forums, I call them a moron. yeah. It has to be said though. That actually sums in up, but I guess here's why they are morons:
- A forum is for "discussion" (, not for "arguments". People argue, which makes them go off topic, and then they sounds like morons, which leads to bad spelling, such as "u" or "y?" or "w00t" or something stupid like that.
- people go off topic. Mean when the topic is "Should bandA tour with this bandB?" and then poeple start dissing bandB and then you have people arguing about how good/bad bandB is, and sometimes you get a person that disses bandA(it's bandsA forum) and people start arguing with that one guy, and then they people start looking like morons.
- People who post on the forum, should actually listen to the band, and like it. And it sounds silly, but there are people out there like that. In fact, there's a person that goes to christian bands' forums, and posts on how sucky christian bands are. A good example is on TFKs board, there is a person that admitted he does that, and he wrote an article about it. Why? I don't know. Because he has no life? No. Now I'm sounding like a moron by saying that. I'm sorry. I guess it could be a she. It might be a he though. I don't know. I'm done. Oh by the way, he has posted so many times that his rank is "TFK super fan" or something like that.
So in conclusion, I hate band forums. Good day, and I hope I don't come out of this going to jail for complaining too much.