Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Bands shouldn't have forums

So I've decided bands shouldn't have forums. And here's a list of why I think that:

  1. Some people are morons! Ok now I'm being a moron because whenever people don't give respect to other people on forums, I call them a moron. yeah. It has to be said though. That actually sums in up, but I guess here's why they are morons:
  2. A forum is for "discussion" (dictionary.com), not for "arguments". People argue, which makes them go off topic, and then they sounds like morons, which leads to bad spelling, such as "u" or "y?" or "w00t" or something stupid like that.
  3. people go off topic. Mean when the topic is "Should bandA tour with this bandB?" and then poeple start dissing bandB and then you have people arguing about how good/bad bandB is, and sometimes you get a person that disses bandA(it's bandsA forum) and people start arguing with that one guy, and then they people start looking like morons.
  4. People who post on the forum, should actually listen to the band, and like it. And it sounds silly, but there are people out there like that. In fact, there's a person that goes to christian bands' forums, and posts on how sucky christian bands are. A good example is on TFKs board, there is a person that admitted he does that, and he wrote an article about it. Why? I don't know. Because he has no life? No. Now I'm sounding like a moron by saying that. I'm sorry. I guess it could be a she. It might be a he though. I don't know. I'm done. Oh by the way, he has posted so many times that his rank is "TFK super fan" or something like that.
I guess I summed it up. So i guess I'll sum it up smaller: arguments, off topic, misspelling (u, y?), people don't listen to the band, post... a lot, Moderators don't enforce the rules... in fact they break them. I forgot to put that one up there. Thousand Foot Krutch's forum has to be the worst forum, ever. I don't know why I read it. I don't post, because people are just gonna argue with my opinion, because that's what they do best. No one is safe, except the person that posts the topic, and doesn't reply to anyone else. Why? Becaue people go off the topic. Unless of course you post a topic called "What book are you reading." Then you don't. You're safe with that topic. Just that the fact that it has nothing to do with the band. I don't know why I even read forum; I just get mad at how stupid people are. I mean, for the Christians that post on them, they shouldn't argue back with nonchristians, because it makes them hate christians. Take a look at that one dude I was talking about that posts on christian forums and writes bad articles on christian music, and how he hates the genre. One thing is that he hates the people on the forum.

So in conclusion, I hate band forums. Good day, and I hope I don't come out of this going to jail for complaining too much.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I'm Alright, I'm Ok. I kinda like doin' things this way

So I picked up the new John Reuben CD, and I'm pretty sure I was the first one in Bismarck to have the CD. Why do you ask? Because at 11:00 Tuesday morning, I went down to the Rainbow Shop and looked on their selves for the CD, they didn't have it... on their shelves. There was an empty spot on the "New Releases" section. So I asked the lady working there, if they had it, and she went and checked on the shelves, and she didn't see it, then she went to check in back, and there they were. So I bought it and went on my merry way to listen to it. I enjoy this CD a lot. First time through, I'm like, "Where are the beats, man!?" And then I realized how powerful the lyrics were. Don't get me wrong, I mean the CD pumps the bass. John Reuben has an actual band now, so there's a lot of guitar, bass guitar, and drum driven songs. If I were you, I would pick this baby up. The only disappointment with this CD, is the last song, and how it ends. It seems like it ends short. Leaves you wanting more of the song. It ends after the final verse, so it seems like it randomly stops. Usually songs loop through the chorus, one last time, and then ends, but this song just ends with the verse. It's a nice soft song, that you just get sucked into.

Anywho, that's my opinion of the CD. You should buy it. "Boy Vs. the Cynic" is the name of it.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


So today is a beautiful day. I also get paid today, so that's good. I just checking account stuff that tells my balance and stuff, and I thought I was short and then I realized, "Wait. I have to pay for the checks." So then I subtracted that from my check book and then I'm like "I'm missing a cent!" and so I busted out a calculator and realized that I can't subtract correctly. I really need to rip some of my CDs onto my computer harddrive. I haven't done that yet so I've been listening to Good Charlotte because that's the only CD I've ripped onto my computer. Speaking of CDs, I can't wait until the John Reuben CD, "The Boy Vs. The Cynic" comes out.

I also can't wait until Thousand Foot Krutch's new album comes out. It's called "The Art of Breaking" It's coming out July something. I forget, because TFK doesn't update enough. Anyways, it's coming. Let's see... what else. I have myself a paintball gun now. I don't have a CO2 tank for it yet, but Charles is gonna sell me one once he gets back. I think that's everything.
Well I guess there is a rant for you. I hate forums, because Admins and Moderators don't do there job, which is enforce the rules. Thousand Foot Krutch's forum, just sucks because people don't talk about TFK at all. Blizzard's forums also suck, because people just argue with each other, about the stupidest things. It's just 50 pages of crap with two groups arguing. I'll give you an example: on the forum, someone posted, "I think the Starcraft should be ported to the DS." I thought this was a good idea, and so did other people, but these two people, they are like "The DS would suck because Starcraft sucked on the N64." and that was basically those people's argument, and some of the people that thought it would be good for the DS, were arguing and they just kept repeating themselve for 50 pages. I quit reading at page 10. Now in the rules, it says you should consider other's opinions, and if you shouldn't start Flame Wars. yeah it turned into a flame war. Well that was my complaint, but I must say that it doesn't really effect me because I don't post on forums and rarely read them.

I'm gonna go before I get busted by the Complaint Police.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Let's Color the DVD Case

So today I finally found the Brak Show DVD. Took me awhile, but i found it at Suncoast. I checked there once and they didn't have it and then when I checked tonight, they had it. Who woulda thunk. It's cool. The extras include Brak Presents The Brak Show Starring Brak, cartoon planet, and Adult Swim News. Also you can color the box if you want. It's numbered, and there's colors that are numbered, which tells you what needs to be what color. Today I got my first sunburn of the summer. I went Frolfing, and didn't even play the whole course of Hillside, and I got sunburned. Then we went to DQ and had some Blizzards. When I got home tonight, I saw a bird on the ground, a baby bird, outside my door to my house. We have a nest that is inhabited by birds, above the door, and previously I saw a baby bird without feathers, dead on the ground. Well anyways, back to the story: I thought this bird was dead, but as I took a closer gander, it twas breathing, and then it looked at me and opened its mouth. So I got it back to the nest and it was really crouded, for it was a small nest and there were four baby birds in there. I felt bad. At least this bird survived. Hopefully it didn't break anything. I couldn't tell. That's my little story. Yesterday I just lounged around all day, laying on my bed and watching TV. I had no initiative to do anything. When I tried to do something, I just didn't feel like it. So I just curled up on my bed and watched TV, which just made me tired, but I didn't fall asleep. Anything else to update on? No not really. So I'm gonna go to bed cause I'm kinda tired. Good night you people out somewhere in the world.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Can't complain

I decided that I complain too much on this blog. So instead of complaining, I will try this. I finaly get to listen to the whole song of Nuisance by John Reuben! YAY! I love that song too much. Any ways, some albums I'm excited for. John Reuben's album "The Boy vs The Cynic" will be out 6-21-05. I'm excited for dat, obviously. Another album would be Thousand Foot Krutch's album "The Art of Breaking" will be out July 19th of this year. Their site went down a couple days ago. I figured that's not good. So I'm kinda sad that I can't get updates from their site... although they hadn't updated since february... yeah that's awhile ago. Another album I'm looking forward for is The Juliana Theory's album... that I don't know the title of or when it is coming out. I'm excited though, along with a few other people that I know. Today started out sunny. Now it's cloudy. Wind is blowing. Yep. Am I stalling? Or is it just me? I don't know. What do you think? Shall we find out? I dunno. Well, I think I'm gonna let you go onto the next blog. Bye bye.