Sunday, October 30, 2005


So basically my first draft of a 4 to 6 page report is due tomorrow. That is why I'm blogging because i'm trying to put it off... or maybe i got a thinking block, and am having some troubles. I basically have my three main topics to talk about from my thesis "Steps Theodore Roosevelt took to preserve the enviornment," and those main topics have faultered on me. We have to right our notes on note cards and we have to have 30 notecards. I have the 30 notecards of notes, but how i'm gonna put them in my report is beyound me. I also have to have 4 sources, which i have, but they faultered on me, except one. half my report came from one source, and now the rest are just not good. Well, i'm gonna go back and try and type up this report. I figure it will be best. My notecards need to have headings that fit the main topics, but now that I don't know what my main topics are anymore, that kinda faulters on me again. So I'm just gonna type and see what happens. Good night peeps. Peeps as in people and not the little easter candy things you eat.

Friday, October 28, 2005


What a great song. Silence by Blindside. I think we all need to love the silence. Spend time in Silent prayer. Silent meaning you be quiet and let God talk to you. Sometimes it's hard for people to just sit in silence. Don't know why. Are they trying to distract themselve from something they don't wanna hear, or forget? I don't know. I'm not a phsycologist. The closest thing I have to being a phsycologist is me taking a sociology class for a semester last year. I don't have much else to say, other than you should listen to Silence by Blindside. Maybe read the lyrics while you listen. Dunno. Your call.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Just sitting and waiting.

I really have nothing to blog about. Well I do it's just that I have to work on a report, that's long, and I don't want to do it, so I'm blogging. I like blogging when I have homework to do. It doesn't help with my homework situation. Sooooo... I got nothing done. I guess I could talk about Best Buy. Because we just got one here, and it wasn't that impressive. The only thing of interest is that I don't have to drive all the way down south to the rainbow shop to buy a few select CDs, since Best Buy carries them, such as Thousand Foot Krutch, or... i can't think of anymore. Used to be RK, but now they are mainstream so they are everywhere that sells Cds, basically. I think John Reuben's lastest CD was at Best Buy. I'm not positive. But seriously, Best Buy wasn't all that great. I thought it would be awsome. For one, they're customer service sucks. I swear, it was just a couple of friends and me there, and no one asked us if we needed any help finding anything. We didn't, but it shows they don't care. Then their digital camera selection isn't any bigger then Target's. I thought they would have a lot more. Basically they sell a couple of cameras we sell, and then we sell some cameras that they don't, and they sell cameras that we don't. Nothing special. I would say their video game selection isn't much larger, same thing with their DVDs. It just wasn't that impressive. They do have really comfie couches though. Those were nice. You can't buy them, but they are nice. So anyways, that's basically it. 'Nough said.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I did it, I did it!

What exactly did I do? I'll tell ye. I conquered the video game God of War. Yes. I have to say this: That has to be one of the best, if not the best, video game I have ever played in my life. I have to recomend it. If I had to give it a score out of ten, it would get a 10. Story line was fantastic, and I like them storylines that are fantastic. The game play is fantatastic, and everyone should know I like to take aggression out on things through hack and slash. I shouldn't say it's a complete hack and slash, although you do do that. You should use a combo moves, strategically. And you get powers from gods, and those are always fun to use. The most useless of them all would be the Blade of Artemis. As long as you keep upgrading your Blades of Chaos (your original weopan), you should be fine. Blades of Chaos also recieves the best weapon in a game, between being two swords on two chains lashed onto your arms, it has a story behind it. Somewhat. It's part of the story none the less. The graphics are fantastic. Really bloody game. fantastic enviournments. It's a great game. Only one flaw in it... that would be the sex near the beginning of the game. I just didn't find it coherent with the game, and could have been left out. The scene wasn't really a sex scene as it was 2 naked ladies sitting sleeping and you sitting on the edge of the bed, thinking about your past, which goes into the storyline, but they could have done something else to go into the storyline. That was the game's only real flaw.

But the storyline is very good. And apperently Universal Thinks so to, because they are gonna make a movie on the game. What's with video games being turned into movies lately. Doom, Halo, and now God of War. Hopefully they won't suck. Usually when a movie is turned into a video game, it sucks. So hopefully it won't work that way through this attempt. I need to play Halo's storyline. I heard that it's a good 'ne. Sadly I don't own an XBox. And I shouldn't own won because the only game I would play would be halo, and ninja Gaiden, and that's not worth having a huge machine sitting in my room. I have nothing against the XBox. It's just that they are pretty heavy. I've had to drag one out of the game cabnent at Target, and they are heavier then the PS2 and gamecube combined. Then again, the PS2 has a slim design now. Anyways, I need to eat because i have to be at work at 5:15. Later peeps.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

So Happy It's Scary

Currently listening to Furthermore, "She and I"

Furthermore. You remember them? "Melted Vinyl" the song about super heros, "Are you the Walrus", the song about him being at a shopping center and she asks, "Are you the Walrus?" and he goes says yes, without listening. You know them. Ok maybe not. I do enjoy their CDs. Anyways, I just thought that I would update. So I am. I had something to say. I forgot. So... I will just dance instead. Although this isn't a dancable song. Not to mention I'm sitting down. Also, I'm to lazy. So I won't dance. By the way, I like your beard pete. I would be lazy and not shave, except the fact that Target probably wouldn't be keen on the idea. I have this 20 dollar check sitting in front of me. I should cash it. It's birthday money. I could go on about a rant about various things, but that would take up at least 10 pages. I'm like that. If I don't keep up on my ranting, it just piles up. If I wrote all them down, I would have a stack of papers yay high. You can't see how high, but it's a lot. I think I am gonna spend some quality time playing God of War. Sounds like a plan. I bought 80 bucks worth of video games the other week and i haven't gotten around to playing them... granted it is only two games. I need to stop working so much, and play video games. That would be a great idea. I worked 35 hours last week... I put down that I want an average of 20 and a max of 30! Goodness me. Granted I did get called in for one day, to work for someone that was sick. Oh vell. Life goes on. Did you kwon taht the hmaun bairn can raed wrods as lnog as the lsat and frsit lteters are in the crorcet plcae and all the letetrs are tehre? It's true. So if you are doing a word scramble, try to get the first and last letters first.
Good day mates.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Hello everybody. What's goin' down? Nothing? Ok. Typical response to any of the following questions: "What's up?" "What's Going Down?" "What'd you do today?" "What'd you do [insert any previous time]?" "What's the squareroot of zero?". yeah. And what's the typical response after "nothing"? "That's good." Anyways, it's my birthday. Today was a good day considering I flunked a spanish test, and i don't htink we did to well on our presentation. Oh well. It was a good day, overall. I think it's because I didn't have to work.

It snowed here, in North Dakota. Crazy. I swear, there was no fall. There was summer, and then winter came. Actually I think there was one day of fall. That day was Monday. Then it kinda skipped over to winter. It snowed a lot. Lots of schools didn't have school... but Bismarck is anti snow day, so we have to go to school... but then again we didn't get 3 feet of snow like Dickenson, and our power didn't go out, like many other places. I went to shcool this morning, and was walking through the parking lot, and the parking lot has a bunch of dips, and so there was a large puddle, or a lake as i like to call it, and I'm like "I need to walk around it" so i did, and there was some snow on the edge, and so i decided to follow the snow, and the snow collapse, and i went ankle deep in water. My feet were wet all day. So my feet have been cold, cause I took off my socks, and they got cold. So now I'm wearing puppy slippers... just because I wear puppy slippers, it doesn't make me less of a man... don't judge, the Bible tells you not to. Hehe. My feet are warm though. Ooooo, I also got a dollar raise, at work. That's fantastic. Not because of my birthday, it just that a lot of people were promised raises, and didn't get it, so now they are giving a dollar raises to a lot of people. I'm happy bout that. I'm kinda running out of things to update on. I'm kinda just sitting here looking at the screen. I could rant, but that take up a lot of posting space, so I'll just save rants for another time. Later

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Um.... let's see. Well we have a project due for pagent tomorrow, which I had to work with a partner(I hate partners, but at least I got a good partner that does his part of the work). We worked on it for two hours on monday and two hours today. Joyful. We got the main things doen in class, but we had a couple of things left. I had to finish up our "Propaganda" which was just a pamplet. I had everything I needed, except for pictures, and I needed to type the words. So I got that done... except I just finished doing that, and I worked until 10:30... tis now 1145. I found the pictures right away, it's just I had to print them on our laptop, and my floppy drive kept ticking me off, and the laptop kept ticking me off, and well, I don't like being ticked off by computers. That ticks me off. I got it done... well kinda sorta. I have to cut out the pictures and text, and paste them onto this paper, that looks like a pamplet. Joyful. I'll do that tomorrow during lunch. Joyful. I get to spend my lunch cutting and pasting stuff, and making sure that I am ready for my presentation.

On a joyful note, my birthday is tomorrow. 17 years of age. Wow. I'm treating it like a normal day tomorrow. Why? Because it will be... except in pagent people will sing to me, because my teachers had to check whose birthday is when. Joyful. As much as being sung to is joyful, people don't mean it. At least not in pagent class, where no one knows me. Joyful. I wish I could go up to see my grandma this week end, but I have to work on sunday. It's kinda a non joyful week for me. I mean a presentation on a subject I could care less about, not being able to go up and see my grandma, working 5 days in a row, although I have 4 days off now. Maybe I'll feel more joyful tomorrow, or thurday or friday since i don'thave to work. Or sat. I almost forgot that. Maybe I should plan a birthday bash this weekend. Just have a couple of friends over and play video games, watch movies, and the such. Nothing fancy, just things that I like to do to relax. Yeah I think I'll do that. It's making me feel better. More joyful. Blogging is helping me feel better. I'm glad I decided to stay up and extra 15 minutes to blog. I'll just have to go up to see my grandma another weekend though. So far I've gotten a couple of presents. I've gotten 20 bucks from the grandma i've been talking about, and I got some special car rugs from my other grandma. They're special because they were custom made, and have my name on them and something like "celebrate the graduate of 2007" or something like that. My grandma is getting me a lot of things custom made. She gave me a pen with my initials for Christmas last year, and last year for my b-day she gave me a keychain that said "dont drive faster then your gardian angel can fly", and it had my name on the back. I treasure these gifts. I don't want to put the rugs in my car, because I don't want to get them all muddy and ruined. She'll probably tell me not to worry about it. My brother and mom got me a video game. She went to Target today and asked me what I wanted and bought it for me. I wonder what my dad will get me. That's always a mystery, but never a dissappointment. He usually buys it like 6 months in advance. He probably already has my Christmas Present. Yay! Happy Birthday to me. It is currently 12:01 am. Now I can go out and watch R rated movies and buy M rated video games. Joyful.

Well, I'm gonna go. This post has made me feel a lot better. Have a Joyful day, no sarcastic on the joyful.

Monday, October 03, 2005

If I had to guess, nothing can be understood

How long has it been? 9 days? It's been awhile. Man. what happened to the day when i had nothing to do, so I blogged several times a day, everyday? Oh well. I realize I haven't complained about any teachers this year, yet. Usually my teachers are good at teaching, but this year I have the worst teachers in this one class. It is American Pagent (combines english 11 and US History into one class, for two hours, for the whole year). Now I'm thinking, why did I take this class? Really, the concept isn't all the great. English 11 and History. Sure they can be related, but I am gaining nothing from it, considering there is probably more stuff to do. Sigh. But the teachers. They're nice teachers, but they are horrible teachers. Goodness me. They are best friends, so they like to babble on about things that don't matter, and they like what they do a little to much. It's good to like what you teach, but when you get a freaking heartattack over "Transidentalism" and "Romanticism", and you love maps a little too much, you have passed that "like what you teach" into "you are teaching it horribly" zone. The english teacher, actually makes the transidentalists sound like a bunch of hyprocrites, and they probably weren't. She loves them, but when she teaches about them, they sound like Hyprocrites, and I probably could use a little spelling lession. I like Romanticism, at least I like Poe, as you well know. I dislike the transidentalists, but maybe it's because this is my first year I've heard about them, and the teachers suck at teaching about them. I'm just disgusted by them. And I have to tolerate with them for two hours a day for the whole year. Not for one semester, not for only an hour, but two hours a day for a whole year! This is going to be a long year.

On a different note before I think about bringing rocks to school, I do have some great teachers, like my math teacher. I always have a great math teacher... except freshmen year. That was a fluke though. I'm probably making a too big of deal over this Pagent thing. Hopefully it'll get better. Anything else? I don't think so. I've been working for the past 5 days. But after tomorrow, I have 4 days off. YIPPY! I'm gonna go. Bye. You don't have to leave.