Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Video Games

I decided that this generation of video game consoles(PS2, Gamecube, XBox) sucked up the place. I have my reasons. The Gamecube, didn't have the software developers that you would expect, so they didn't that many great games. PS2 took a dive with it improving the PS2 so many times that the old school PS2 disks don't play in the slim PS2. The XBox... well all it has is halo and ninja gaiden, and a great firstperson shooter controler. Fighting games suck to play with it. Racing games aren't much of an improvement. In general, it seems I'm seeing the same thing over and over again. It usually takes shape in a first person shooter. It seems that standards are set, and developers get to that standard, and don't push beyound that. For example, Burnout series comes out with Burnout 3. What do other game developers for racing games do? They make that standard of putting crashing in their racing games. Now it seems that new games, such as LA Rush, aren't doing anything new. For those of you who play sports games, is Maddan improving or is 06 very very similar to 05? I don't know. I haven't played any sport games for many years now. The last one I played was NHL Blitz 2002. Which was fun.

Don't get my wrong with any of this. There are some fun and great games out there, but is there anything really new? We had first person shooters back on the N64, we had hack and slashes for many decades, we had RPGs, we had racing games. Is there anything that's gonna be new? Graphics are gonna get better. Really, I think we milked everything dry. The only thing that's gonna change with the XBox 360 and the PS3 are the graphics and the number of people you can have on the screen at one time without the framerate slowing down. Which are alright, but nothing new. But what's this other console. There's a third. the Nintendo Revolution. It has a pretty cool controler concept. If you haven't heard about the controler, just search it on ther internet. You'll find it. But seriously, this thing has gyrotechnology, it is like a remote, so that could be fun for first person shooters, with being able to shoot at the screen, like a guncon. It also comes with an attachment for the controler that has a joystick on it, so that also adds to the FPS movement. Sword fighting will be intersting with gyrotechnology (for those of you who don't know, that is that it can sense the movement of the controler). Fishing... not looking forward to that, but a good idea. I wonder about racing games. We'll see what the software developers have in mind. I'd keep your eye on the Revolution. I think it's gonna be the hit, just because people are gonna go, "The 360 is just like an XBox, except with better graphics... this sucks." Or "the PS3... this sucks totally because it has a boomerang controler, and the game get's registered to the system, so it can't be played on any other system except on the system it's registered to." I don't know about the PS3 part. It's just a rumour. But if it is true, it's gonna suck.

So I'm not gonna be rushing to target or walmart or bestbuy to buy a 360, or a ps3 for that matter. I'll probably buy one when it drops in price, but not right away. I'll probably pay full price for the Revolution, just because it will be affordable. Nintendo has said that. 400 bucks is just too much for the same thing, except with better graphics(i'm talking about the 360). I'm gonna go now.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Taste the Rainbow

So basically I'm sitting here play Black and White, when all of a sudden I'm like "I want something to drink." So I wonder around my house and go, "well, I have no pop, no juice, and I want somethign sweet." So I'm like "Maybe I should go to the store and buy a pop." So I didn't. I go back to playing Black and White, and then I'm like, "I really need a pop" so I finally go, "You know, I kinda need gas and gas is at a low of $2.29, so why not go get gas and get a pop?" So I do that. I get to the gas station and start filling and then I'm like "It's been sitting at $2.29 for the last week... I hope it didn't go up." So I look and I see that it's $2.24. I smile, and was happy. So I go in and buy a pop and pay for the pop and gas, and drove back home and sat here awhile and wondered what I should do. So I decided on updating my blog and that is what I am doing right now.

So basically I have to work at 5 today. I don't look forward to it because I will probably have to work in softlines, which is clothing for the people not up to date with store lingo. I suck in softlines. Last time i was in softlines I didn't even get to finish cause the Manager on Duty was like "You're a minor, you need to go home." and I didn't complain, but I felt bad for the other people because I had a lot left to do, and now other people had to finish it. Now in hardlines, anything else in the store, I roxor your boxors off. But no, they put me in softlines for whatever reason. I do not look forward to this night. Hopefully, by some chance, I will be in hardlines, or if I am in soflines, they will put me in Mens and Shoes. Because in Mens, very few people wonder over, and shoes is a small area that can get annoying, but atleast it's not very big. So that's my rant on working tonight.

On a happier note, Relient K's EP is apparently out. That's good news. I wonder if Target has it. Probably not. Oh well. I'll just wonder on over to the Rainbow Shop and pick myself up a copy. I also got my PS2 back a couple of days ago. I haven't played it, except i played Burnout 3 a little bit and played Darkwatch a little bit until I realized that Darkwatch was hard and annoying at some points. PS2 controler doesn't help with 1st person shooters. The layout seems nice, but somehow the PS2 controler's analog sticks are a little too touchy. It's hard to aim, in other words. The Revolution's Controler will be nice. Can't wait. But that's next year, so yeah.

I also watched the movie "Donnie Darko." That's an interesting movie. I'd recommend it. You need to watch that movie a few times to get it. And then do some reading about it. Then go to the official website, And then you might be able to fully understand it. Just kidding. You don't need to do all that. You just need to watch it. It just leaves a lot of things that make you wonder about the movie. The writer made it so you would think about it and come to your own conclusions. Now go rent it. Now. Go. Now. Ok. I'm gonna shut up.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Moon is Out

So I bought the DVD "Office Space w/Flair" today. I haven't gotten around to watching the special features. I have seen the movie, and that movie made me laugh a lot. I also bought Dark Watch today. I need to settle down on me buying video games. For one, I loaned out my PS2 to a friend, so he could play God of War. So I can't play Darkwatch, cause it's for PS2. Well i got it for the PS2. Anyways, another reason I shouldn't have bought it, is because I have Devil May Cry 3 to play and Area 51 to play. I also need to beat God of War a couple more times. Yeah. Anyways, I gotta go to youth, so I guess I'll catch you peeps on the flip side, yo. I'm not really street. I just pretend i am. That's what you call a poser.