Friday, July 28, 2006

Roy G Biv

I was curious, has anyone ever seen a full rainbow? I mean, like the entire arc. Cause I've only seen one half of the arc. On TV, they have the full arcage going on. I've never seen the full arcage. I've seen two half of arcs by each other... but not a full arcage. You know what I'm saying?

Friday, July 21, 2006


Hey peeps. Just wanted to know that we got back from Bolivia safely. I shall update at a later time. Consider this a layover... or whatever... NINJA ROOSTER! Hehe... inside jokes.

Friday, July 07, 2006


I really need to read more. I like to read, it's just that I usually don't, for some reason or another. Let's see how many books I personally own: 25. How many have I read: 10. That's not so bad. Now let's see how many I have bought within the last year: 16. How many have of those have I read: 4 and a half. And that half, I have been working on for about 6 months, maybe a little less. I usually read quite a bit more during the school year, since I get bored during school when I'm done with school work. Summer, i generally don't read books, maybe on a long trip i would, but even then I usually do something else, like watch a DVD. I bought three books today: Pirates of the Caribbean Jack Sparrow: The Coming Storm, PotCJS: The Siren Song, and Starcraft: Queen of Blades. Sure, the Pirate books are for kids, but they intrigued me when i heard they were about a teenage Jack Sparrow. Then I bought Queen of Blades, because I love Starcraft and the other books, and I didn't want to look like a person that just bought kids' books. I just noticed that there isn't an underline in blogger. I could go to edit HTML, but I'm too lazy. I read the first 10 pages of the first pirates book in like 3 minutes. It's a 130 page book, but the pages are really short. Like i said, they're made for kids. Ooh, there's pictures!

So on Sunday I leave for Bolivia. That'll be fun. Last Sunday a couple of friends and I went up to one of my friend's cabin to shoot off fireworks, since there was a burn ban here. We went tubing and swimming on the lake, and then we had a blast shooting off fireworks. Hehe, puns. I burned a hole in my shirt, from holding bottlerockets in an empty roman candle stick. I must have shot off about a hundred of them, and only had sparks that shot down the sleeve of my shirt and burned a whole through my shirt. I also have some burn marks on my arms from the fuses burning off. Ah, fun times. Oh and I didn't get sunburned at all! That's amazing, considering I spent the afternoon with my shirt off on a lake. Me being pale, and red hair. I don't do well in the sun, generally. I have a hint of a tan coming in. That was a fun day, but my friend's aunt had a cold. I didn't get near her at all... but yet when i woke up on Monday, I had a stuffy nose and felt like crap. I've been sick ever since. Been trying to recooperate, before Sunday. Me and Summer colds don't mix, either. They usually last about 3 weeks, at least that's a what the last two years has taught me. One week almost down... two weeks to go... which just happen to be the weeks I'm in Bolivia. Acutally i might be getting better, so hopefully that means I'm getting better fast.

I just got some shots todayTetnus (spelt wrong I'm sure) and Hepititus A (which I suppose that's spelt wrong too). Probably shouldn't have procrastinated (wrong again I suppose) this long... considering that the A shot is suppose to be taken in two doses, with 6 months in between. The doctor said that i have a 90% chance to fend off the virus with just the first dose, and I wasn't too worried about it.

The fireworks stand was a bust this year, obviously with the burn ban is place, so we didn't quite make enough to fund our trip, but we'll be doing fundraisers afterwards to pay off the loan, so that shouldn't be to bad. I had heard somewhere that being active is good for getting rid of a cold. I forgot where I heard that, but if so then last Wed. was good for me. I helped pack up all the fireworks and take down the tent for 4 hours. I think that might have helped. I've been trying to get lots of rest, but sleeping late in the mornings hasn't been that successful. I have been sleeping pretty soundly, but I generally only get 7 horus of sleep, which isn't too bad, but I'm sick. I've kinda been brushing up on my spanish. I've been practicing the line: No digo espanol muy bien, which translates to: I don't speak spanish very well. I've taken three years of spanish. You would think I would be good. I know how to speak it... I just don't know a lot of words. I mean I know quite a few words, but considering how many words I know in english... I don't know a lot. You know what I'm saying? I got a B in spanish last year. Which you would think is good, but I got A's in the rest of my classes, and I was getting a C for a moment in spanish. I magically got a B. Surprising. I'm just kinda rambling in this paragraph. I think I should move on to a new one.

I've been playing warcraft, as you should know from my previous post. I'm really obsesive about things. If I get really interested in something, I'll do tons of research on it. Usually it doesnt last very long, but yeah. I'm really tempted to buy the Warcraft books, just so I have more history on Warcraft. It's very interesting to me. I mean I am reading the warcraft III manual! There's 48 pages of history on all the races, so I've been reading that during comercials when i'm watching TV. I still need to finish warcraft II. I have 4 or 3 stages left. So I should really finish that. Then I'll be playing Warcraft III. If you are wondering why I'm being so Obsesive about it, I'll remind you. I played through Warcraft III, once before without playing any of the other warcrafts or even knowing anything about it except orcs and humans fought against each other. I basically just cheated through the game, and I got nothing out of it. I like storylines in games. It's on thing that makes me play a game, as with most people. So when I don't know the storyline, I lose interest. That's why I'm so obsesive.

Probably will post after I get back from Bolivia, and tell you about my ventures. End Post.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Summer Thought

What have I been doing? Probably nothing. So school has been out for about a month now. That's pretty rad. I've been sleeping a lot... minus that 30 hours of no sleep period. I've been kinda being lazy. I also realized how much out of shape I have become. I think that came with getting a car. That's just a thought though. Seriously, I run like hundred feet and I'm tired and need to rest. That's how out of shape I am. I used to ride bike to school, that is before I got a car, which was about the same time I turned 16. Let's see I'm 17 now, so about a year and 3/4 of a year ago. I'm apparently a senior. No difference. Kinda troubling cause now I'm thinking, "crap... college... which means that I have to actually look up what classes i need to take in order to go into a carreer of my choosing, which means I need to choose a career for my life." Yeah that kinda sucks. It's not like I don't know what I want to do, it's just that I can't decide. I'm one of those people that wants to try everything, but I don't have that kind of money to go to school and take every class out there in order to be able to do everything.

Enough about that. I bore myself. This summer has been lazy, like i said before. Basically I have worked every day, or so it seems. Yeah that sucks. I ask for an average of 20 hours a week and 30 hours max... I average about 32-35 hours a week. Now the money is coming in, but I feel like I have no time to do anything. Let's walk through a day of summer: Wake up about 11 in the morning. Take shower and stuff. Cook some food and eat about 12:30, 1:00. Next probably turn on tv, and play various warcraft game on computer. 3:30, get ready for work, 3:45 leave for work, 4:00 work. 10:00, leave work, 10:15, watch Tv. 11:00 eat a snack, 11:15, either watch TV, or play various games of warcraft, or a combination. 1:00 go to bed. End day.

With the Warcraft thing, I decided to play Warcraft III, then I got to thinking, I don';t really know the storyline of warcraft at all. I had not played any of the previous Warcrafts before. So I downloaded the first warcraft. Played it, and I must say, that was a horrible experience. For those of you who have never experienced the first Warcraft, it's like this: can only select 4 units at once, no right click, no hot keying groups, can only select units by holding shift and clicking, can only buidling within a certain vacinity of you other buildingse, And i think that covers it. I just cheated through it for the storyline, which I visited a site to get the plot outline anyways. Then I downloaded Warcraft II Bnet edition. SO now i am playing through that, which is a lot better experience. I'm almost done with it. I just have 9 more levels of the orc's campeign on the expansion, so I'm almost done. I alos read a plot outline of war2. What can i say, when i play a game with a storyline, i really would like to know what's going on an make sure I'm getting it right. I also read a history of warcraft thing. That was interesting. I also have to say that I played through War3, and i didn't really follow and I not to mention I used cheats so I had no idea what units were actually good. Now that I play War2, I kinda have an idea what units are good, and I know more about the storyline. Fun times.

Well I think I'm going to wonder off to bed. Night.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

A Riddle

What happens to Roy trying so stay up to 8:00, when he's been awake for 30 hours straight?

He probably fails at trying to stay up until 8:00.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

News being bad? Nothing new.

I think I finally found out what it means to make some one else's burden, yours. On Monday, June 5, a soldier by the name of Travis Van Zoest was killed in Afghanistan. Not only was he a soldier, but he was my best friend's brother. I didn't know him that well, nor did I really like him, but I wept for him. I knew how much my friend loved his brother. Maybe that's what it means to make other people's burden yours. Or maybe on off, either way, I just want to ask that you'll keep his family in your prayers. I find it kinda odd that I just give a, "Oh that's too bad" when I hear about a soldier dying, but when it comes to a best friend's brother, I give it more attention. I don't understand it.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I was kinda creeping around the internet and went to to see what's going on there. And then I noticed SCLegacy headlines, and one cought by eye so i clicked on it. The article was an interview about Project Revolution. Prject Revolution is a Warcraft 3 mod. The special thing is that they are basically recreating Starcraft. Updating it if you will. Making 3d, better ai, and they are even going to release their World Editor that they are using (they have a custom made world editor that they are using to make it). One of the sweet things is that you'll still be able to play regular WC3, Frozen Throne, Broodwar and SC with the mod installed. It requires all of the games to be curtious to Blizzard, so people could play "Starcraft" without owning it (Cause the mod will be free), and obviously you need both the WCs to play. But enough of that. It's exciting to me, but I'm not overly hyped about it.

Another game i just got excited for is Hellgate: London. I am excited for two reasons: the game looks like it's going to be really really sweet, and it's made by the company Flagship Studios. You probably have never heard of them, and I hadn't (or at least realized I hadn't) until recently when play around and found and by the way, I like the unofficial site, .org then the official site .com for flagshipstudios. but anyway. For those of you who don't know who they are, they started making the game Hellgate London a couple years ago. Under a different name, the team also made the game Diablo and Diablo II. Not Blizzard, but Blizzard North. Also some people who help make Starcraft and Warcraft are also part of the new company. I don't know if they were let go from Blizzard, or they quit, but either way, Hellgate looks like a really sweet game. Graphically, I can see a lot of similarities with Diablo II, except for better graphics. But like the colors, they are similar, and the monsters. Even the story is something that could be thought up by the makers of Diablo. So this game I am excited for.

Well that's all for now. Later.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


I had the day off today. It's like my first Saturday every to have off without requesting it off. I spent just relaxing, and enjoying it. I watched a couple episodes of Trigun. I also played a lot of New Super mario Bros. for the DS. The game is really fun. Brings back those old days of playing Mario 3 and Super Mario World. It's also frustrating at times. There are some giant coins, as i call them, that you need to collect, and they can be pretty frustrtating to get. But it's fun overall. I also watched a movie today. I watched Donnie Darko, for like the 4th time. I notice something new evertime I watch that movie. That's basically what I did today, besides eating. Just thought I'd share my day with you.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I have half a debate to write. That sucks. At first it started fun, but then they assigned it to us. Then it just sucked from there on. Debates are kinda hard for me. I see good on both sides. I alos see the bad on both sides. So I can say, "Hey this is a good point" but then i go "but they can counter attack with this point" so stalemate or my side getting beaten down. And not to mention that they gave us our topics and our side. So I have to debate on why the U.S. should allow immigration. I'm not for or against it. Simple logic of, "Well the United States was founded by Immigrants" doesn't pertain to now days, and the opposing "tyhe U.S. is overcrouded" just isn't true. Solution: move to the moon and start your own country on it. Although that wouldn't work too well cause you would have to import everything... and apparently that's bad for a country's economy if you can't export anything. Basically I have to no initiiative to do it. I have even less initiative to debate over it tomorrow. Nowe the New Super Mario Bros. on the other hand, I have tons of initiative to play that... too bad I have half a debate to write. I hate my teachers who are like "students have tons of fun with it" while so far all i've heard are groans about it. The topics are just... how should I put it without sounding like a stereotypical teen toward a stupid project... worthless? I mean a debating skill is a good thing, but generally you debate on things you are passionate about. Then again the teachers some how made a debate skill with being a bestman at a wedding and toasting the couple... not sure how they made that corrilation (i think that's spelt wrong).

I need to stop whining. If any of you are pro immigration and happen to see this tonight, you should email me some main points. Later.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Answers to Questions

100 Little Things About Yourself


1. Name: Roy Torgerson
2. Nicknames: Roy G Biv, Mr. G Biv. Bivins, Rufuss, Royfuss, are current ones. Old ones, could include RJ.
4. Place of Birth: Glendive I’m thinking
5. Zodiac Sign: The one that starts with an L… Luna I think.
6. Male or Female: male
7. Grade: JR.
8. School: Century
9. Occupation: Salesfloor/electornics
10. Residence: Bismarck
11. Screen Name: Roy

___Your Appearance___

12. Hair Color: Red
13. Hair Length: average
14. Eye color: either blue or green. It really depends.
15. Best Feature: I couldn’t tell you.
16. height: 5’11
17. Braces?: at one point in time, but they my teeth went back into place cause my orthodontist sucked
18. Glasses?: contacts, but I wear glasses at night.
19. Piercing: nope
20. Tattoos: nope
21. Righty or Lefty: righty

___Your 'Firsts'___

22. First best friend: Anthony
23. First Award: Something from elementary school
24. First Sport You Joined: bowling
25. First Pet: Dickens, Shila, I think
26. First Real vacation: California? Maybe. That’s the first one I remember cause our car broke down so many times.
27. First Concert: Audio Adrenaline/Sonic Flood
28. First Love: spaghetti

___ Favorites___

29. Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean I think.
30. TV Show: Scooby Doo
31. Colors: Blues, grays, and greens
32. Rapper: John Reuben
33. Band: Hmmm… Top Three would be Blindside, Thousand Foot Krutch and Linkin Park
36. Candy: Sour Patch Kids
37. Sport to Play: frisbee golf
38. Restaurant: red lobster
39. Favorite brand to wear: anything comfortable
40. Store: Target
41. School Subject: Maths
42. Animal: Dogs and Cats
43. Book: R.A. Salvatore books. Favorite series has to be the Demon Wars.
44. Magazine: none
45. Shoes: none


46. Feeling: Thinking
47 Single or Taken: Single
49. Eating: Just had some Quiznos
50. Drinking: Nothings

51. Typing: This
52. Online: nope
53. Listening To: nothing now, but Thousand Foot Krutch is in my car CD player
54. Thinking About: Making some music videos
55. Wanting To: not go to work at 5
56. Watching: nothing
57. Wearing: a t-shirt, jeans


58. Want Kids?: someday
59. Want to be Married: someday
60. Careers in Mind: computer management
61. Where do you want to live?: Bismarck
62. Car: Mustang

___Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___

63. Hair color: doesn’t matter
64. Hair length: doesn’t matter
65. Eye color: doesn't matter
66. Measurements: doesn’t matter
67. Cute or sexy: cute
68. Lips or Eyes: eyes
69. Hugs or Kisses: both
70. Short or Tall: doesn’t matter
71. Easygoing or serious: both
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: Both
74. Sensitive or Loud: sensitive
75. Hook-up or Relationship: relationship
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: hesitant

___Have you ever___

78. Kissed a Stranger: no
79. Had Alcohol: not lately
80. Smoked: long time ago
81. Ran Away From Home: no
82. Broken a bone: nope
83. Got an X-ray: They give X-Rays if you are constipated
85. Broken Someones Heart: not that I know of
86. Broke Up With Someone: no
87. Cried When Someone Died: yep
88. Cried At School: no

___Do You Believe In___

89. God: yes
90. Miracles: yes
91. Love At First sight: sure
92. Ghosts: no
93: Aliens: no
94. Soul Mates: I don’t know
95. Heaven: yes
96. Hell: yes
98. Kissing on The First Date: Maybe
99. horoscopes: no

___Answer Truthfully___

100. Is there someone you want but you know you can't have? Nope.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Vibrations in the Air

My head feels like it's vibrating. It doesn't hurt... it's just incredibly annoying. I'm also pretty ticked cause I was waiting on formatting my hard drive until my video finished downloading, but it seems that the virus has provoked my computer to end all connections to the internet. That sucks. I was 72% done. SO I wasted a week of downloading basically, unless it starts working again. BJ is fat. Although that sucked, I did put in my new 500 watt power supply for my computer. Happy for me. I'm hoping to get my hard drive back from my brother. I had a 20 gig harddrive before, but then I bought an 80 gig harddrive. But my old power supply could only handle one harddrive. So with my new one, I can use my old harddrive along with my 80 gig harddrive. That beard was awsome. So having an extra 20 gigs will be nice. But my brother is using it for a class right now. But his school is over next week. So it'll be mine again. But still, I'm dissappointed about my video file that I can't finish downloading yet. I'll havfe to start over when I format. Well I'll probably start formatting tomorrow and then have Windows reinstalled on thursday.

I went down to Target to buy a can of air. So I did. Then I'm like, "I should go to the Rainbow Shop and buy Grit's 7 cd."So I arrived there and I noticed that they had some other CDs I wanted to buy... 3 other CDs... total of 4. So I bought them. Total: 32 bucks. Now you have to ask, Rainbow Shop, 4 CDs, 32 bucks!? CDs there are usually 17 bucks. I got some good deals. two CDs that were 10 bucks and two CDs for 6 bucks... or something like that. I've decided that I like the original mix of a CD vs. a remix. And so far that continues to be true. I bought John Reuben's "In Hindsight the Professional Rapper isn't there yet" or something similar to that. Which has remix versions of a lot of his songs. I have to say that I dislike several of the remixed songs on the CD. I like the originals a lot better. I also bought Grit's "Art of Transformation" but I haven't gotten a chance to listen to it yet. Well I have to go up and do some dishes. Later.

Monday, April 24, 2006

EA Indirectly Killed My Computer

I'm sitting on my computer in the basement. For those of you that haven't realized, my room is upstairs and I rarely use the basement computer. So why am I blogging from it? Basically, look at the title. You should read the post previous if you haven't. I wanted to play Sims 2. But since the little CD emulation thing, I couldn't. So i looked for a way around it. I thought, "Hmm... ah hah, No CD hacks! Geneous!" So I tried to find one. EA did a really good job to stop hackers. I couldn't find one... but what I did find was a freaking virus! Or more like 10 Viruses roled up into one fake No CD Hack! So EA indirectly gave me a virus. Now I'm planning on formatting my hard drive. Oh and right before I "installed" the "No CD hack", I decided to uninstall Norton. Yeah. I installed Avast, which is another antivirus program, but it required a restart, which i hadn't done yet. Yeah. Hate to say this, but I wish I would have had Norton then. It probably would have helped. Avast is doing it's job... somewhat. I mean it's finding a bunch of viruses and deletes them, but there is a virus program that creates those viruses at start up, and Avast can't find it apparently. I decided on formatting. My computer has been slowly decreasing every since my last format. Oh well. I shall live. I just backed up a bunch of files. All I have left is some video files... about 10 gigs worth if I want to wait for some videos to download, which I am doing right now. 5.88 Gigs worth. That's a lot by the way.

I'm gonna let you to yourselves now. Later cats.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

EA provoked me to blog

I feel my rights have been violated by two companies: Sony and Electronic Arts. Sony didn't provoke to blog, but EA overstepped its limits. For those of you who don't know, Sony has a little CD protection thing on their music Cds that if you put it in your CD rom, you basically get a virus. Goody. My computer has been partarlly (that word doesn't look spelt correct... probably isn't) crapping out probably because of this. For instance, I can't download Windows XP updates. Anyways, that's a problem for when I need to format which will probably come soon. But EA, oh man I feel like kicking them in the crotch. I bought the Sims 2, for I wanted to experience the joy of controling the fate of a little sim. So I go to Best Buy (because Target was out) and i pay 35 bucks for it. I then arrive home and open up it. I install all four disks onto my computer, no problems. After installing, it asks if I would like to launch it. I agree for I can't wait any longer. Error message pops up, "Please insert disk 1." Of course, I thought to myself. I had disk four in because that was the last install disk. So i insert disk 1 and double click on my newest desktop shortcut (Sims 2, for those not following very well). The spalsh screen for Sims 2 pops up... and then an error message pops up. "Please insert the correct CD-Rom" Hm... what? later, after visiting tech support and doing some searching, i find the exact error message in the FAQs. The had lots of suggestions for me. None of them applied, except one. CD emulation. Now when you see emulation you may go, "Oh Roy, you stealing video games from the SNES and NEs have caught up to you." But that's not CD emulation. CD emulation is DVD decryptor, or a more common program, Nero or any CD burning software. And kick EA's groin. I hate it. See that's why I should download games illegally. Not saying I will. Cause I probably won't.

Oh so I got a bloody nose today. It was really bad. I used like 4 tissues, and then they were gone. So I was using napkins. After using up the tissues, I was switching to napkins, and blood was just dripping down my face. I let blood drip down the sink for a couple of seconds. I'm sure that didn't improve my situation. I tried every trick in the book.... then i combined them and it finally stopped. I was going to take a picture of blood dripping down my face and make you guess what happened, but i figured that losing blood at a rapid rate would not be good for my health, just so I could take a picture. I hope you all are grossed out.

So I went to Rock 30 yesterday. Yeah that was great. Andrew was selling a Logitech speaker set for PSPs, and I've been wanting one, but they are 60 bucks. He sold it to me for 30 bucks. Sweet. I also bought a new Frolf disk. It's a Wraith. I hope to test it out tomorrow... or today i should say. I'm going to go to bed i think now. I'm kinda sad I can't play Sims 2. I uninstalled Nero, but that didn't work. I have a bunch of crap on my computer. I really need to format. I might just do that, and see what happens. Peace all.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

He Did It

I was thinking to myself that the best time to update a blog is when I should be sleeping. So I decided to update my blog. I should be sleeping. I think I have stated that. So anyways, I had to get up early and go to school... for those of you who don't pay attention to dates, today is Saturday. I took the ACT this morning. What a complete waste of my time. It's not a very accurate measure of intellect. And some how that word seems spelt incorrectly. But, seriously, they don't give you enough time. Maybe if they gave you enough time, it'll bump up the accuracy, but it still won't be very accurate, and they know it. Why? Because they teach you how to guess to prep you for the ACT. At that point, you should realize that maybe it just isn't working out. So that's how I spent my morning. I did well on the English and Math test, although the last 10 of the Math test I filled in random bubbles, because I had one minute left and there was no way I would get all of them done. So might as well guess. Have a chance at getting 10 more right, instead of getting 2 maybe right, and 8 definitely wrong. Yeah. Then on the reading and Science part, I had like 10 questions left in each section. It's not that I don't know how to read, it's just that I read and then have to go back and re read a section because the question is like "It can be inferred that paragraph 3 (15-25) is a blah blah" and i have to go and reread that section to know what the heck it's talking about. Slap. And for science. Easy, but you have to study the charts and graphs in order to answer the questions and for me that takes a little bit more time. Enough of the ACT.

So April 1st came along and I was in Antelope MT where my grandma doesn't have a computer, so I was not a victim of Internet Fooling. But I'm a curious cat and checked up on what kind o f jokes occurred. My favorite one was Beautiful. It was not put on by Rockstar games. This guy bought the domain and set up a "Coming Soon" site that looked just like the other gta coming soon pages. This guy had people that had GTA fansites adding a section for it. I laughed at that one. Blizzard did three. One was Burgercraft, a resturant chain with Blizzard's games theme. Another one is that Gamespot posted an article about World of Starcraft. The "screenshots" looked impressive and I almost wish it were real.

And last but not least is that I think you should check out my website. That's Easy to remember. Nighty night peeps.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

I have no opinion

I have a paper due tomorrow. That's why I blog. I tried working on it last hour but that didn't work. I have a couple of unfinished paragraphs, and like the topic sentence of each paragraph. Sadly, no supporting details. You may say, "it's easy to get supporting details." but no. Not for a topic that i could care less about. The sad part is that i got to pick my topic. It's a persuasive essay. What makes this hard? Cause I didn't have an opinion on the "topics" that she gave, or I didn't have enough support to write a two page paper, for that's how long it is suppose to be. Oh well. I better get back to it. I usually write something pretty good after I blog. Maybe it's because I have been typing. Maybe my fingers are like, "Oh. That's what a keyboard feels like... lets type something about this topic." Alright. Bye.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


So how's it goin'? Apparently when I don't blog, other people don't blog. Except Airjohn. Which makes me giggle about Mini Mart changing its name to Loaf n' Jug. So anyways. I haven't been blogging. With reason that video games consumed me. So I was going to update earlier (like a week ago) and I even got to typing and was typing and then something distracted me and I just like, "screw it" and i closed my browser and focussed all my attention to what distracted me. Sam Goody is closing (at least I don't think it has closed yet) and is have a 40-60% off sale, on everything in the store. So I had to check it out when we walked by it. I went in, and just so happens, in the CDs, I notice a sign that says "FM Static." For those of you who don't know, I like Thousand Foot Krutch. And also for those that don't know, FM Static is a side project of the lead singer and the drummer from TFK. So I bought it. Different sound. FM Static is more pop rock, while Thousand Foot Krutch is a lot more rocky. Did I explain that well enough. Anways, FMS album is good, but short. It was in my CD player for a long time. Mmmm. Good times.

I've been neglecting my computer, like I've neglected blogging. I probably have viruses all ove rmy compter. My bro wanted me to use a certain software, but I forget what it is called. A software to scan my computer. And I still hate Norton. Anyways. I think I'm gonna saddle up. Later.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

It's a quick one

So I decided to update you on my condition. Well I'm finally not sick. That's the good news. The bad news is that I can't hear out of my left ear, so if you talk to me and i ignore you, move to the right side. I'm also out of my medication that's suppose to make my ear infection go away. That's a bummer. I didn't use the pain pills at all... for i had no pain, and no diarriah. But I can't hear out of my left ear. I think I stated that. My ear iches, whcih can be a sign of healing. Anyways, enough of infectous ears.

Basically I went and saw the dentist yesterday, and i went to see the eye doctor today. Both went well. I might have to see a doctor on Monday about this ear. It's kinda annoying. You feel as though you aren't in the conversation, when you are having a conversation, when you can't hear out of one ear. So that's kinda weird. And I'm gonna eat some food.

Friday, February 10, 2006

I really should sleep

So today I didn't go to school. My dad called in for me. I also called into Target and told them I was too sick to work. Probably a good thing. Last night, I went to work, they said the first two people done with their zones could just leave. I was the first one done, that was allowed to leave (managers and my brother in electronics couldn't leave). So I got to leave at 8:30. Good thing. While I was zoning, I started not being able to hear out of my ear. As I was driving home, my ear started hurting. I got home, and it hurt really bad. There is no possible way to ignore an ear ach that is constant. I tried. I couldn't sleep, until i somehow fell asleep at like 1:30. Than woke up at 4:30, in the morning. My ear didn't hurt, but I didn't get anymore sleep, until like 7:00... I had to wake up at 7:45 for school. So I just had my dad call the school for me, and than set up a doctors appointment. Went in at 10:30... which kinda sucked because I didn't get anymore sleep. The nurse took my blood pressure, weight, pulse, etc. I'm healthy apparently. The doctor comes in, asks me whats wrong. Well my ear hurt last night and I couldn't hear out of it, but now I can't hear out of it, but it doesn't hurt... unless i hic-up. So he pops me up on the table, and points the light thing into my non-infected ear, and than goes over to the infected one and goes something along the lines of "holy cow. Do you(my dad) want to see this." and so my dad looks and the dr explains that my ear should be grey on the inside... apprently my ear was really red on the inside. Which means I have a Middle Ear Infection. Now since I'm allergic to Penisellen(i can't spell. I think you can figure it out) which would have been the easy way and less exspensive way, I had to go with some pills. Now apparently they are suppose to cause pain, and diahria(my spelling is way off today... I'm sick, I have an excuse) so he also prescribes me some pain killers... that make me sleepy. Thus far, I've felt no pain (well no new pain) and no diahria. And the pain killers didn't make me sleepy. So yeah. That's my sick day story.

I also finished watching the Roughnecks and i forgot that the series stops at a cliffhanger... which kinda sucks because the series was canceled. Talk about disappointing. Well I'm probably gonna head off to bed.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


So I was debating whether or not to finish my project, or blog. I decided on blogging. But I have a battle project due tomorrow. It's on the Battle of El Alamein. It's a World War II battle fought in Egypt. It's an interesting battle. I have to do it with a partner. I picked the wrong person as my partner. I thought I might have picked a good partner, because he said he was interested in WWII battles, but really, he hasn't done much, except complain that he is tired. Sometimes you just pick the wrong partners. Anyways, I'm going to move onto something for interesting.

Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles has to be one of the best TV series I have ever seen. That's why I bought it on DVD when I heard that it came out on DVD. Oh man. It's even better than I remember. Probably the best animated series ever. It's CGI animated. I forget sometimes that it's animated, because the animation and graphics, and voice acting is so good. The plot and dialogue is awsome. It's not like the Starship Trooper movies. The movies sucked pretty bad, but the series is awsome. The series is based more on the book than the movies were.

On Monday, when I woke up, I felt fine. I went to school and was fine. By 7th period, my throat kinda hurt. I get home, throat still kinda hurt. After supper, throat hurt, and was kinda tired. Around 9:00 I was kinda sivering, and I went to bed. Fell asleep and woke up an hour and a half later. Kinda was sweating and I had a fever and sivering at the same time. I think I feel asleep. not quite sure. I woke up again (if I fell asleep) at 1:30 and kinda sat in the living room, because it was kinda cool in there, vs. my hot room from my fever. I went to bed and left door to room open to cool it off., Fell asleep til 4:30. Kinda wresled around a little, and i realized my parents got up, which was at 5:45. It was a downer cause I had to get up in two hours. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep, and went to check my clock, and it said 9:30... 2nd period started at 9:15. I arrived at school at 10. So I'm sick again. Last night I had a head ach, and a scratchy throat, and was tired. Today i have just a scratchy throat... and a project to finish for school. Which I'm gonna do now so bye.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

I'm Like "What's goin' on?"

I went and did my blog reading today. I got a little behind, but that's ok, because the only person that actually updated, was Air John. Pete did, but he was updating about how he should update, and i agree, he should update. I'm debating if I should get an IPod Video, 30 gb. Mainly just because I'm getting tired of looking at my Mini and going, "Oh... you're almost full. I should've gotten the 6 gb." But now they don't make Mini's anymore. And Nanos only go up to 4 gb. I really hate my ITrip. It doesn't work very well. I have troubles making it work on my radio in my room. I haven't tried it in my car lately. I assume the worst for it. Oh well. Then I just ordered a recharger so i can just plug it in at home to charge it, vs. plugging it into my computer, while it is on and charging it. $35 with shipping. Killer. I was gonna do the 2-3 day shipping, but it would have been $43. And that number I did not like. I didn't even like the $35 number for the 3-5 day shipping. Oh well. The base price for it was $25, so shipping is murder. I need to stop buying so much crap. My last pay check didn't even reach 200 bucks.

So I was reading Air John's blog and he mentioned the OK Go, band. So I was like, "I'll check them out." and so i went to their site, clicked on music, and listened to "Invincible" and I must say, it was a really good song. Then I went and updated my blog, just now. This here post.

Today I cleaned my computer and my computer desk. I deleted a bunch of crap from my computer. Then I got rid of a bunch of crap from my desk. Then I went shopping online for an IPod charger. Then I played some Starcraft... who would have thought that with all the games that I have, I picked an eight year old game. I think it's eight. And now I'm seated before the computer typing a blog. I'm boring probably. That's ok. I'm gonna watch a DVD. Enjoy the rest of the Super Bowl, if you are watching it, or if not, then enjoy the rest of the evening.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


As some of you may know, I'm a pretty notorious cheater. Starcraft, i typed in the magic words, "power overwhelming" and "show me the money". On Diablo II, I used Jamella Editor. In Castlevania, I used the duping items cheat. Twisted Metal, I used the button combinition, hold down all shoulderbuttons, up, down, left, right, right, left, down, up. On Final Fantasy VII, I used the GameShark (kinda sucks now because i lost the little thing that pops into the memory card slot). So what am I getting at? I'm getting at online cheating. You won't catch me cheating while going against other players. You won't see me using map hack, or morph hacks, or map hacks, or stuff like that, online. The way that I look at it, I'm cheating myself when i cheat on single player. When I play online, I'm cheating other's of a good time. So to all the hackers out there for Counter Strike, Diablo, Starcraft, World of Warcraft, etc., stop it. Number one, you're consuming the time of the developers, so that they are working on patches for the game, instead of creating new and more fun games, and second, your cheating others of a good time. and third, when someone actually has skill, they are called hackers, when they actually aren't. That's my basic opinion on cheating. I actually did play through the storyline of Starcraft without using "power overwhelming"... just a couple of "whats mine is mine" and very very very few "show me the money"s. I think I died a few times. I don't remember. It was last summer. And my dog is trying to steal my stuffed animals. I really likes my tiger one. He knows that that one is forbidden, completely. He can't even put it in his mouth. Well my contacts are bugging me, so i'm gonna take them out and go to bed.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


I decided on blogging. I really just needed to start doing something else. Today was spent working on a new website that I'm doing. Sadly I didn't get very much accomplished. I've basically spent about 3 hours trying to make a border for the website, and figure out how the artwork theme should be. So far I haven't gotten much. I want this site to be as perfect as i can make it. As advance as i can make it, without making it bad. So perfect that the navigation and graphics, and content flow so well. I realize simplicity can be the best thing for a website. I mean look at my site. It's simple but done well(at least in my opinion). But the site I'm designing now is to get me out of the rut of just having a banner on top, navigation to the left and main body in center. It seems all the sites i desgn end up like that. Mainly because it's almost the perfect design. The site I'm designing does use that layout, kinda, but not really. I'm "enhancing" it to the next level. And graphics is the key to it. So far my graphics haven't turned out that well. I have three fairly good borders and they would look good on the site... but the look isn't what I was looking for. Maybe I need to try a new color scheme. I don't know. I'm gonna post a link to a picture of the three different versions, and you can tell me what you think. Tell me whether I should change the color scheme (it's blue, gray, and black pretty much now) or if the banner or logo needs to change. I don't know. They look alright, but they don't really go well together. I need to think of something. Well here's version1, Version 2, version 3. In version three, I can't think of what to do with the left border, so i just left it for now. Well I'm gonna probably go play some animal crossing or something. I have to work tomorrow and Saturday, so that's kinda a bummer. Well have a nice weekend and probably week and maybe even 2 weeks.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

oh wait

Sorry, i forgot something. With my DS, and Mario Cart, My friend code is 025833069253. I already added you, pete.
Cold-sweat and the such

So i've been feeling pretty crappy for the last couple of days. Sunday, during the day, I felt fine, then evening came, and I was shiverring like it was 0 degrees. So I turned on my space heater and slept, and then i was sweating like crazy but still shivering, and whenever I closed my eyes, I dreamed... but i wasn't sleeping, and i was aware that it wasn't real, and i opened by eyes, and i would be laying on my bed in my room, i close my eyes again and back to the "dream" of knowing that i'm awake. The dream, was just wierd. I don't understand it. Wierd. It included me, but wierd. Moving on to day two. Monday. Well after about 2-3 hours of sleep, I was still kinda cold, and now i had a sore throat, and my chest would hurt whenever i coughed. Raspy voice, also. I had to work that day, which i felt fine, except i had a raspy voice so it was kinda wierd helping people, and talking over the walkie. Day three, Tuesday. Nose was runnin' a little bit. Still hurt when cough. Raspy voice. Sore throat. Other symptums. Day four, Wed. Same old same old. Not cold. Wasn't cold on tues, either. Tired though. Moving on today. Well it's nice, because my throught doesn't hurt, although chest still hurts when i cough. My nose isn't stuffy or running. Tired though. I slept for about 12 hours last night, and i'm still tired. I don't want to work tonight. I hope I feel all better tomorrow, because we leave for At Any Cost tomorrow. Fun week end. well I'm gonna let you go back to your life. Bye.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

When the world caves in

Yay! One of the first ones to blog on this new year. Anyways, I'm running on low, because I got three hours of sleep last night. Why, you ask? It's not like i wanted to get only three hours. I went to bed at 10:45... I feel asleep at about 3:45. What happened? Well couldn't sleep at all. I was laying there for a long time, then about 12:30 I'm like, I'm going to read. So I read two chapters in my book and felt I should go to bed. Still couldn't sleep. My mind still racing about. I was laying threr for a while, and then I'm like, still not tired, gonna watch some TV. Watched some family guy and futurama, then nothing. Then I'm laying there again, and I just started talking to God. After that I fell right asleep. Sadly I had to wake up at 6:45. Had to go to work. :P I had plenty of energy, until about 3:00 in the afternoon, when sleepiness hit me, and well, I wasn't aware of what I was doing anymore. I went home at 4:30, when I got off work... actually I stopped at Rock 30 and bought an XBox for a friend, but then I went home and slept. for about two hours, and then I had to eat, and then after I ate, friends showed up, because I was hosting a New Years Party. So now it's 1:25 and I have to run powerpoint for churchypoo tomorrow. Apparently we are only having one service tomorrow, at 9:30. Running Powerpoint has it's perks for a day like when we have only one service. I can show up at 9:25 and still get third row, center. And now for what's on Roy's mind.

Lots of things are on Roy's mind. So much that I think I could write a novel. It mainly involves how idiotic American's can be. But I'm not gonna rant about that. I will tell you a story about how my brother was working in electronics, and a person hung up on him while talking to him on the phone. He wanted a raincheck. For those of you who don't know, rainchecks are slips of paper, that have a barcode, that gives you the sale price of an item that we ran out of, while it was on sale, at a later date when we have the item again. The person wanted a raincheck... over the phone. Sorry, but technology is advance, but not so advance that we can send slips of paper through the phone, without a fax machine. Another Guest (customer) called on of my coworders retarded, and wanted to see the manager. I have lots of stupid stories from work, but I will save those for another time.

I've really like the Castlevania games. I've really stumbled into them, recently. After I bought Curse of Darkness, I had to play all of the Castlevania games... in chronological order. So I'm starting with Lament of Innocence, which I am almost finished with, and ending with Dawn of Sorrow, which I will buy for my DS soon. Yes I bought a DS. I have no games for it right now, but I have one. I also bought a PSP. Why do you ask? I ask myself the same question, now. I actually bought the PSP awhile back, and I bought Twisted Metal and Burnout. I beat Twisted Metal, which was a fun game. I love the series. Don't really like TM Black... too gruesome for me. Burnout is fun, except the have too many Crash events. 100 Crash events, and only 75 of the other events... that are way more fun. I mean, for Crash, I have to wait about 60 seconds for the loading to finish, and then I crash... which takes about 30 seconds. And then I have to wait 60 more seconds after the event, and then the process repeats. So it gets annoying. And Crash gets way to repetitious (beyound me if that is spelt correctly... maybe it's not a word). Oh well. Maybe I'll turn around and sell my PSP. We'll see what will happen. Maybe they'll come out with a game that I will want for the PSP. Whatevs. There's a lot of games that I want for the DS. I just need to buy them. Anyways, I better wonder off to bed. Happy New Year, peeps.