The plus side is that I revived Vista. It's breathing is normal. The thing i dislike about reinstalling Vista is that it doesn't format the partition, it just detects that there's another version of Windows, and creates a folder called "oldwindows" and puts it in C drive. Basically it puts everything, including old windows files, in that folder. So I have 40 Gbs of extra stuff just lying in a folder. The nice part is that I can copy and paste like documents and music from there.
So my friend is looking at building a computer. He asks me for help. So I'm browsing around newegg, and was looking at processors. Well I have an AMD 64 X2 6000+. It's an awesome processor. I paid 513 bucks for it. Wasn't cheap. That was in June. I look at it now, and it's 170 bucks. I was kinda ticked. I couldn't believe it. Then there was one slightly better for 250 bucks. I was thinking about buying it and giving my friend my old processor, but then i noticed the new one doesnt have a cooling device. Processor run hot and I want a cooling device with my processor. Plus I'm not made of money. So I didn't. I found some good stuff for him for a pretty good price. 650 bucks is about what his computer will cost. We bought some parts today because they were on sale and had some rebates. Al together we saved 45 bucks, but those include mail in rebates and those take forever. Anyways I'm going to do some web design work. Later.