Friday, July 28, 2006

Roy G Biv

I was curious, has anyone ever seen a full rainbow? I mean, like the entire arc. Cause I've only seen one half of the arc. On TV, they have the full arcage going on. I've never seen the full arcage. I've seen two half of arcs by each other... but not a full arcage. You know what I'm saying?

Friday, July 21, 2006


Hey peeps. Just wanted to know that we got back from Bolivia safely. I shall update at a later time. Consider this a layover... or whatever... NINJA ROOSTER! Hehe... inside jokes.

Friday, July 07, 2006


I really need to read more. I like to read, it's just that I usually don't, for some reason or another. Let's see how many books I personally own: 25. How many have I read: 10. That's not so bad. Now let's see how many I have bought within the last year: 16. How many have of those have I read: 4 and a half. And that half, I have been working on for about 6 months, maybe a little less. I usually read quite a bit more during the school year, since I get bored during school when I'm done with school work. Summer, i generally don't read books, maybe on a long trip i would, but even then I usually do something else, like watch a DVD. I bought three books today: Pirates of the Caribbean Jack Sparrow: The Coming Storm, PotCJS: The Siren Song, and Starcraft: Queen of Blades. Sure, the Pirate books are for kids, but they intrigued me when i heard they were about a teenage Jack Sparrow. Then I bought Queen of Blades, because I love Starcraft and the other books, and I didn't want to look like a person that just bought kids' books. I just noticed that there isn't an underline in blogger. I could go to edit HTML, but I'm too lazy. I read the first 10 pages of the first pirates book in like 3 minutes. It's a 130 page book, but the pages are really short. Like i said, they're made for kids. Ooh, there's pictures!

So on Sunday I leave for Bolivia. That'll be fun. Last Sunday a couple of friends and I went up to one of my friend's cabin to shoot off fireworks, since there was a burn ban here. We went tubing and swimming on the lake, and then we had a blast shooting off fireworks. Hehe, puns. I burned a hole in my shirt, from holding bottlerockets in an empty roman candle stick. I must have shot off about a hundred of them, and only had sparks that shot down the sleeve of my shirt and burned a whole through my shirt. I also have some burn marks on my arms from the fuses burning off. Ah, fun times. Oh and I didn't get sunburned at all! That's amazing, considering I spent the afternoon with my shirt off on a lake. Me being pale, and red hair. I don't do well in the sun, generally. I have a hint of a tan coming in. That was a fun day, but my friend's aunt had a cold. I didn't get near her at all... but yet when i woke up on Monday, I had a stuffy nose and felt like crap. I've been sick ever since. Been trying to recooperate, before Sunday. Me and Summer colds don't mix, either. They usually last about 3 weeks, at least that's a what the last two years has taught me. One week almost down... two weeks to go... which just happen to be the weeks I'm in Bolivia. Acutally i might be getting better, so hopefully that means I'm getting better fast.

I just got some shots todayTetnus (spelt wrong I'm sure) and Hepititus A (which I suppose that's spelt wrong too). Probably shouldn't have procrastinated (wrong again I suppose) this long... considering that the A shot is suppose to be taken in two doses, with 6 months in between. The doctor said that i have a 90% chance to fend off the virus with just the first dose, and I wasn't too worried about it.

The fireworks stand was a bust this year, obviously with the burn ban is place, so we didn't quite make enough to fund our trip, but we'll be doing fundraisers afterwards to pay off the loan, so that shouldn't be to bad. I had heard somewhere that being active is good for getting rid of a cold. I forgot where I heard that, but if so then last Wed. was good for me. I helped pack up all the fireworks and take down the tent for 4 hours. I think that might have helped. I've been trying to get lots of rest, but sleeping late in the mornings hasn't been that successful. I have been sleeping pretty soundly, but I generally only get 7 horus of sleep, which isn't too bad, but I'm sick. I've kinda been brushing up on my spanish. I've been practicing the line: No digo espanol muy bien, which translates to: I don't speak spanish very well. I've taken three years of spanish. You would think I would be good. I know how to speak it... I just don't know a lot of words. I mean I know quite a few words, but considering how many words I know in english... I don't know a lot. You know what I'm saying? I got a B in spanish last year. Which you would think is good, but I got A's in the rest of my classes, and I was getting a C for a moment in spanish. I magically got a B. Surprising. I'm just kinda rambling in this paragraph. I think I should move on to a new one.

I've been playing warcraft, as you should know from my previous post. I'm really obsesive about things. If I get really interested in something, I'll do tons of research on it. Usually it doesnt last very long, but yeah. I'm really tempted to buy the Warcraft books, just so I have more history on Warcraft. It's very interesting to me. I mean I am reading the warcraft III manual! There's 48 pages of history on all the races, so I've been reading that during comercials when i'm watching TV. I still need to finish warcraft II. I have 4 or 3 stages left. So I should really finish that. Then I'll be playing Warcraft III. If you are wondering why I'm being so Obsesive about it, I'll remind you. I played through Warcraft III, once before without playing any of the other warcrafts or even knowing anything about it except orcs and humans fought against each other. I basically just cheated through the game, and I got nothing out of it. I like storylines in games. It's on thing that makes me play a game, as with most people. So when I don't know the storyline, I lose interest. That's why I'm so obsesive.

Probably will post after I get back from Bolivia, and tell you about my ventures. End Post.