Sunday, January 25, 2004

"Pun"ishment Battle

Yep this is about puns if you didn't get it by the name. Well it isn't about puns but it is about the "Pun"ishers out there. First off my brother, a.k.a. Prince of Puns, a.k.a. The "Pun"isher, is close to losing his titles. For the new but not so new dude in town, Pete Jones, has taken a likin' to the puns arena himself. I've heard many puns from him left and right. But also in defence of my brother, he has also said a lot of good puns. I won't say any of the puns because you would just have to be there to get it and find out only that they are lame (like most puns). Anyways away from the business. On new business i was scanning through and FAQ/Walkthrough of a game and this guy told this story... I'm about to share the story... a direct/edited quote:

"Back in my day, finding FAQs weren't easy, I say! All we had
were those elitist kids at the arcades, and if you touched their Mortal
Kombat 3 moves lists that they had printed out, they would break your
arm and steal your quarters! And if you threw them too many times with
Nightwolf, they would smash your hands! We were a rough gang, I tell ya!
You kids and your Dance Dance Revolution arcade games, where you praise
each other directly after your opponent misses 42 steps in a row! THAT
AIN'T ARCADE GAMING! Back in my day, you got your booty kicked in Killer
Instinct, and you took it like a man! And you only praised another gamer
when he killed a skilled gamer in a flawless victory, not a newbie with
two health points left! Gah!"

That is the quote. I only edited one word. I felt like sharing that with you cause I'm nuts and like share stuff with you people out there. I thought it was some what funny... i guesse it was becuase it was just kinda in the middle of this FAQ. Well anyways i just spent 1 and a half hours at Arby's. That was good and fun cause i went out with Pete, and Steph Jones, and Air John. That was tons of fun. I didn't speak much, but I'm more a listener then a speaker. It was fun and funny times. and of course Pete was speaking in puns... oh man my brother and darren and pete are rubbing off on me. Mario 64 is a very fun game. I'm going to play it. Later peeps. oh yeah i do have a words of wisdom: "Puns are lame." Well im out now. buh bye.

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