Thursday, February 26, 2004

Fear me for I am thee Red Dragon, Kinda like the Copper Dragon except I can beat the Copper Dragon! HAHAHA! ok

A RED Dragon Lies Beneath!

My inner dragon color is RED. Click here to try the Quiz!

My inner dragon is the most vile and crafty of all dragons. Remember Smaug? He was a red dragon, just like me! And just in case that's not cool enough for you, reds are Fire Elemental dragons, too. Click the image to try the Inner Dragon Online Quiz for yourself.

Yeah that was great. Red=good. Let's see. If you take the elements of blue and green I would say it would equal to red. sooooooooo... Blue+Green=Red. Hmmmmmm... yep i would say so. which would also mean that Red-Green=Blue.... no that doesn't even out. See because with that little bit of Copper thrown in there it would throw the whole balance of the equation off. Let me show you: Red=Copper+x. what "x" equals is beyound me. Let's see what it equals. If Red=blue+green and Red=copper+x, and copper=Lincoln+Statueofliberty, and We all know Lincoln= a simple log. Now Statueofliberty=France which is = Eifel tower= mad french people. Now mad french pleople usually=British which=america. America=eagle and eagle= america so they just plain equals out. Now with that in mind, red would actually look like this: Red=Blue+GreenX(copper+Lincoln+log+StatueofLiberty+France+EifleTower+MadFrenchPeople+British+America+Eagle)
That is your equation. confusing. Well let's walk away from Red. Lent. The time of year you should sacrifice something. I couldn't think of anything to sacrifice. I mean I could sacrifice video games, but i rarely play them anymore. I could sacrifice the computer but that wouldn't be much of one. I don't do much on the computer. I go to band websites and blog and that's all pretty much. The rest of the time im just sitting doing homework or watching TV and just sitting on MSN talking to no one. So that did something. TV. Yes i am sacrificing TV for Christ. I watch a whole lot of the TV I realize. so with that, Instead of watching TV waiting for my bed time, I can go straight into my Quiet Time with God. So that's going to be nice. Oh man we are watching this movie in Global called "Not without my daughter" and I want to like hit this father. see the movie is about this guy from Iran that is Living in america married to and american, and he decides he needs to go back back to Iran. The wife didn't want to go, and the husband is like "my sisiter is very sick" and he is a doctor. Anyways she says yes after he says just two weeks there. Now If you don't know much about muslim culture... then I'm not going to tell you because i would be typing a lot. If you do then you know what I am talking about sort of. They have a daughter that is 4 years old, and they take her. After the two weeks are over though, the father gets... Muslim. He doesn't want to go back to the States and wont let his daughter go either. Well the mom and the daughter both want to go but she wont go without the daughter. ANyways, she rebels against him. He like i said tuns Muslim. I can tell you that in Muslim, the women are... how do i say it... not really respected i guesse. Not really that but something like that. Well she goes to the Sweden exchange or something like that to try to get back to america. But without her Islam citizen husband, she can't go anywhere. The husband has complete control of her in other words. If they devorce, everything, including their daughter, goes to the father. Anyways she goes home and she gets beaten by her husband. Yeah... I was really mad. It was just a movie but it was based on a true story. She finally got out with her daughter by the way after like a year and a half. Ok if you want to know anymore... go rent the movie i guesse. It's an older movie from like the 80's. yep. I drained my typing now so you don't have to listen to me much longer. Ok words of wisdomnessnessness: "Don't be grumpy about sacrificing something. if you do that, you might as well not be sacrificing it at all." yep. bye bye.

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