Sunday, April 04, 2004

I was thinking over thinking

Hmmm. Well I just felt like blogging. I dislike Careers Education very much. It'd be much better if the teacher told us what to do during class when we write a report. See, my teacher gave us a survey type thing, which the multiple choice answers had numbers above them. Well being a survey, it wasn't graded, but he had the questions broken down into catagories and then we wrote down our score for each catagory (that's what the numbers were for). Well that was fine and dandy and all, but notice i told you that the class would be better if he told us what our report was suppose to be on DURING class. The bell rang and then he was like "this is what you do..." and i had to hurry so i didn't write it down. Careers Ed. and Spanish are furthest apart for me, so i had to hurry. I listened to him, think that i could remember and write it down in spanish. I didn't get time and I just remember what the first half page was on. The other half I think i might know. So i guessed and hoped that I did the second half of the page right. I don't think it is. So here I am about to go play Diablo II. I'm going to go buy Burnout 2 from Rock 30 games. My brother says it's really fun and it's only 14 bucks so I am going to by it while he still has it. I'm going to go play some Diablo II so later all the people who are reading this blog. (xxxx)==========>

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