Just so you know, someone finally went "when you gonna finish the freakin mystery" so I'm like "i suppose people want me to finish it" and he was like "slaps Savvy with a large smelly tuna fish" and I'm like "ill get it done at some point" and he's like "Right..." and yeah. So I'll get it done for you guys. I got some writer's block for the ending. It's also the longest ending I've ever written... that's not saying much. Well it's been awhile since I updated so I shall do dat. Last Friday was guys night out which we played some football and XBox. We were going to play Capture the flag against the girls but that didnt happen cause it seemed that it was illegal to go to the park after it closed. So we went back to the church and we said "hey it's almost midnight." So a lot of people left and then a handfull of people played predator till 1. That was pretty fun. I've also been watching Red Vs. Blue which is a parody on Halo and is made using Halo which is interesting and freaking hilarious. Than I blew off some fireworks today. It was fun. We went to this park place out of town (i forget what's it called, but it was public property) So we were blowing up fireworks when all of a sudden a police man came and was like "yeah you cant shoot fireworks here because (i forget the company) owns it and has banned fireworks this year. They havent announced it to the public yet. I wish I could recomend another park, but ND has banned fireworks this year on public property, so you have to go to shoot fireworks on a friend's land that lives out of city limits." (That may haven't been the exact thing he said but close enough for you to get the point.) So we cleaned up our mess of fireworks and left, but it was fun while it lasted. Well I'm going to go and maybe work on the Mystery or something like going to bed. Bye bye.
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