Saturday, September 04, 2004

Crap scared out of me!

My goodness. I just saw the scariest thing I've ever saw... maybe i think. at least on the internet. I hope i didnt wake up Leroy with my scream that I put out. Well apparently there was an email titled Ghost In Commercial or something along those lines. Here I'll give you this quote from a website which quotes the email:
This is a
car advert from somewhere. When they finished filming the ad the people
who made it noticed something moving along the side of the car, like a
ghostly white mist. The ad was never put on TV because the unexplained
ghostly phenomenon frightened the production team out of their wits.
Watch it and about halfway look and you will see the white mist crossing
in front of the car then following it along the road... Spooky!

Here's the website where you can watch it. look for the mist around the car man. That's pretty freaky. I mean like i said i scared me even. But maybe I'm just easy to scare. The music is kinda soothing though. Seriously it is.
I would recomend you did what i did and watch it at 2 am but make sure no one is sleeping. Seriously that scared the crap out of me. My heart was pounding like crazy and I couldnt breathe. Also there was thunder in the background because there's a freaking storm... or was. My heart is still kinda pounding. I just had to blog this just to have something to do between now and going to bed. Even though I'm not worried about the ghost popping up it's just that sitting here in from of the computer... I have to do something when i get the crap scared out of me. Well I sounded bickery last post but now I'm calmed down. I think it was just because I was hungry because after I had food in my tummy, I went into a happy mood. I only had a bowl of cereal for breakfast and 2 tacos for lunch (2 for 99 cents at taco John's) they were good. I think the dealio is over now which is sad for me. Well i'm out and maybe comment on the movie thingy. Maybe it was scarier then crazy because of the slight thunder and it being 2:30 in the morning. Good night people.

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