Monday, August 22, 2005

Are we getting anywhere?

I just have something to say about this email I just received, and I recieved a little over a year ago. This email, you are suppose to send it with no subject, and it talks about a film that depicts Jesus and his Desciples as homosexuals. You are suppose to sign your name, and when it reaches 500 names, and hopefully it'll get banned in the US. Well, the email has reached 300 and some, according to this, and about a year and a half ago, when I recieved it, it had 200. Well I signed the first one and sent it to a bunch of people, and well, this one does not have my signature on it. So I'm wondering, "are we getting anywhere with this?" Then I wondered, wouldn't we have heard something of this movie, which is titled "Corpus Christi" which means "The Christ Body", by now? It's been a year and a half since I recieved the first email of it. So I did research on this. According to one site, the movie was suppose to come out in 2001! They have declared that this movie was just a hoax. In fact, this rumor started 15 years ago in a magazine! But as I read other sites, There is a play called "Corpus Christi." But that was back in 1998, and there is and was never any plan to make it into a movie, as the email says. The play is by Terrence McNally, and the lead character is named "Joshua" and his home town is Corpus Christi Texas. BUT, the play is base on, kinda, of the life of Jesus. Josua is suppose to be Jesus. Here, I'll just quote this site, it'll be easier:

Here, in a nutshell is how Terrence McNally revised it:. Jesus and his apostles open the proceedings by explaining their roles. They are all presented as ordinary people in professions ranging from hairdresser and hustler to the usual doctor-lawyer-indian chief professions. The "real" story is all there -- Nativity, the Sermon on the Mount, the Last Supper -- but with substitutions to add the right degree of up-to-date relevancy. True to the title, Joshua is born in a motel room and grows up in the playwright's own home town of Corpus Christi, Tex.
-Curtain up.
Yes, it depicts Josua and his desciples as homosexuals. So we should ban this from the US... except it has already been in the US, since 1998. It is still playing to this date.
Basically, this play asks the question, "What if Jesus came in the 1950's and born in Texas, and was homosexual?" So is this play really gonna be banned if it has been playing for 7 years? Probably not.

Basically I thought I would figure this out, since I got two of the same email, and the first one had my name signed on it, and the second one didn't. I just wanted to give those who read my blog, the facts of this email. Too bad there is nothing we can do about it.

1 comment:

Roy J said...

I realize that, that's why I say, are we really getting anywhere with it?