Saturday, September 03, 2005


Do I have anything to say? No. Why am I posting? Dunno. We shall see though. We shall see.

Well... orange juice is good. Ipods are good. Video games are good. Bubbles are good. Family Guy is good. I'll tell you what's not good: Cars. Cars are evil. If you can avoid it, don't get a car. I made the mistake of getting one, and now I have to put up with people that don't use blinkers, and are horrible drivers in general. Don't get me started on gas prices. Wow... 3.19 a gallon. That's horrible. I've decided I'm gonna invest into a motorcycle license. I'll probably not go through with it, just because I don't have a motorcycle, or the money for one. My cousin in law has a motorcycle, and she gets 90 miles to the gallon... or was it 50? Probably the latter. Anyways, it's a lot more then 25 miles to the gallon. I haven't had to fill up my tank yet, with this over 3 bucks a gallon thing, but i might have to. I'm at a half a tank. I'm gonna have the first hydrogen station. Yeah, then the car companies can start selling their hydrogen cars, because they can't say there isn't any stations. That's what the president should do: force car companies to mass produce hyrogen cars, and build hyrogen stations. Maybe that's not a good idea, because maybe the cars will cost lots of money. I don't know. I've done no research on these cars, further than what I see on TV, and other good stuff like that. I only catch snippets of it. I'm gonna leave now before I choke myself with my own words. Bye.

EDIT: And this is why I am right:
"The engines, which are almost silent when the engine is running, can manage 62 miles per gallon of hydrogen and have a range of 190 miles."
They are talking about 2010. Hopefully. And guess what? There are 16 stations and 15 more are planned. I think this is in California. Arnold is doing this business. And that is all I have to say, because I'll probably not see a hydrogen car until 2010. Bye, again

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