Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Microsoft/Apple Jigga what?

Ok I was reading this debate over the Microsoft and the Apple. I expected a thing with two groups slamming each other, but as it were it was an interesting article. First off, it talked about how computers are just "clones", which is true, and the computer illiteracy of so called experts. I haven't finished reading it, heck i haven't started reading it, really. It's really long. If you are interested, and have several hours, then you can check it out here. As for me. I'm out.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Flying Mustang Over the Kandipian Sunset

Why... I will cut this bold button!
There fixed it. Now what was I saying... oh yes. Why do i put such odd titles that don't even make sense... because it's better then "Two necks, one goose". That's what I thought. I don't think I told you guys, but my puppy dog, Scamper, died a while back. That was a couple of weeks ago. I miss him. My parents are planning on getting a new puppy. That's exciting. We are getting a Lasoapsol (hi, it's me horrible speller.... Armen.... remember her? English teacher from last year? Ok good. I hope i make you giggle). My parents really want that kind of a dog. They are willing to pay 400 bucks for it. Although we did find one for 200 bucks, which is what we are going to look at. Considering this puppy lives in ND, and the other one was in another state, I'd say we are going with the cheaper, ND one. I'm back from Montana if you could not tell from last post. It was fun. Played cards mostly. Ate really good homemade food. I heart my grandmother's pumpkin pie. My uncle makes fun of me for it. I really like it. I think I am going to stop and post this now. Hope to post more often.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

An actual update

Hey boys and girls... and gents and ladies. So after spending five minutes trying to get into this blog thing, I am finally here. If fact this page is still loading and probably will be when I am done typing. Blogger took forever to load. Anywho, I was sick... and now that I am back from my break, I am not sick... who woulda thunk? Let me fill you in on the nasty and odd details. This was my first cold of the season, and I am glad that it was a small cold. It was really odd because one nostril was runny, I mean really runny, and the odd part was that my eye teared up whenever it ran. So I asked my brother if he had anything to catch it. *joke drum sound*. But it was just horrible because of the fact that my eye watered up so bad. My eye turned freaking red when it did that. Now my cold is done. Happy times. Ok now on to rumors. The Blizzard has lots of rumors circulating. First off that Starcraft Ghost will be on the next gen consoles. That is false. Blizzard does not know the updated meanin gof "Next gen consoles" so that is why it is false. Next rumor. Blizz is hiring for Diablo III. I don't know if this is false or not. It probably is true because this is Blizzard's response to the question: "We can't comment. Sorry!"--A nice-but-reticent Blizzard rep. I am glad Blizzard does not work for the Secret Service. Anyways to find out more about these and other rumors, just go here yo. Have a great and fun time. Bye.