Sunday, June 25, 2006

Summer Thought

What have I been doing? Probably nothing. So school has been out for about a month now. That's pretty rad. I've been sleeping a lot... minus that 30 hours of no sleep period. I've been kinda being lazy. I also realized how much out of shape I have become. I think that came with getting a car. That's just a thought though. Seriously, I run like hundred feet and I'm tired and need to rest. That's how out of shape I am. I used to ride bike to school, that is before I got a car, which was about the same time I turned 16. Let's see I'm 17 now, so about a year and 3/4 of a year ago. I'm apparently a senior. No difference. Kinda troubling cause now I'm thinking, "crap... college... which means that I have to actually look up what classes i need to take in order to go into a carreer of my choosing, which means I need to choose a career for my life." Yeah that kinda sucks. It's not like I don't know what I want to do, it's just that I can't decide. I'm one of those people that wants to try everything, but I don't have that kind of money to go to school and take every class out there in order to be able to do everything.

Enough about that. I bore myself. This summer has been lazy, like i said before. Basically I have worked every day, or so it seems. Yeah that sucks. I ask for an average of 20 hours a week and 30 hours max... I average about 32-35 hours a week. Now the money is coming in, but I feel like I have no time to do anything. Let's walk through a day of summer: Wake up about 11 in the morning. Take shower and stuff. Cook some food and eat about 12:30, 1:00. Next probably turn on tv, and play various warcraft game on computer. 3:30, get ready for work, 3:45 leave for work, 4:00 work. 10:00, leave work, 10:15, watch Tv. 11:00 eat a snack, 11:15, either watch TV, or play various games of warcraft, or a combination. 1:00 go to bed. End day.

With the Warcraft thing, I decided to play Warcraft III, then I got to thinking, I don';t really know the storyline of warcraft at all. I had not played any of the previous Warcrafts before. So I downloaded the first warcraft. Played it, and I must say, that was a horrible experience. For those of you who have never experienced the first Warcraft, it's like this: can only select 4 units at once, no right click, no hot keying groups, can only select units by holding shift and clicking, can only buidling within a certain vacinity of you other buildingse, And i think that covers it. I just cheated through it for the storyline, which I visited a site to get the plot outline anyways. Then I downloaded Warcraft II Bnet edition. SO now i am playing through that, which is a lot better experience. I'm almost done with it. I just have 9 more levels of the orc's campeign on the expansion, so I'm almost done. I alos read a plot outline of war2. What can i say, when i play a game with a storyline, i really would like to know what's going on an make sure I'm getting it right. I also read a history of warcraft thing. That was interesting. I also have to say that I played through War3, and i didn't really follow and I not to mention I used cheats so I had no idea what units were actually good. Now that I play War2, I kinda have an idea what units are good, and I know more about the storyline. Fun times.

Well I think I'm going to wonder off to bed. Night.

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