Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Satan Sick?

I think my wonderful fat cat got hurt by a seven year old. She looks mean in the picture, but if you have met her, then you know that Satan is a fitting term. But she's nice to my brother and me. Anyways, I think the seven year old broke her cause she makes a weezy meow sound every now and then. Which is not normal. She usually has a raspy meow sound, but this sounds more like a moan. So sad. Oh by the way, if you forgot, my name is Roy and this is my blog. I've been very busy with work and school, so I haven't gotten a chance to update. Maybe I'm lying through my teeth and I've been playing my new Wii. It's kind of a combination. I've been working about 35 hours a week, and then I go to school for 35 hours, and on my days off I just don't get the initiative to blog. Now it's getting back to normal, with the new Target store not being so new, and the holidays done. Ah relief. Hopefully my hours will be cut. I will be happy. I've updated my website every now and then, and that'll take care of my Wii explanation of how much I like it. I suggest you buy one too. Speaking of my brother, he told me twice that i should update, so here I am. Happy? Speaking of the holidays, my Christmas was wonderful. I got a week off of work, I went to my grandma's and had Christmas up at my Aunt and Uncle's house. Joyful. I got a new sweatshirt which several people have nagged me to get a new one. Happy? I also received some cash money and a cash money shredder. An automatic shower cleaner, that requires you push a button when you get out of the shower. I didn't clean my shower before so this actually makes me work harder. I'm drawing a blank of what else I got. I got rechargeable batteries from my bro. Those are great for my Wiimotes :). Anyways I enjoyed the time spent with family for the most part. I also went up to my brother's apartment for a few days. That was pretty fun. I think my cat is still in shock from the seven year old. I've never seen her like this. I told you that I was gonna tell you about Bolivia. Whoops. My bad. I'll tell you when I have more time. I have a lot of junk I need to do such as: Work on website, play Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, Play Zelda Windwaker, Play Zelda Twilight Princess, Play Castlevania: Curse of Darkness, beat various other games, read at least 12 books that I've been slowly working on, and the list goes on. I just remember that I need to finish a book that I barrowed from my youth pastor. I got half way through it. I should really finish it. It's good. I don't know why I didn't finish it sooner. It's been like 2 months or so. So i think i should set that to priority one. My cat looks really pitiful. I feel really bad for her. Anyways, that was my update. Happy? Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. -Roy J

1 comment:

Unknown said...