Saturday, December 01, 2007

Let it snow

'Twas a wonderful day today. I had the day off from work (one of the few saturdays that I didn't request off) and it snowed as an added bonus. I didn't go outside, but I filled a cup with snow and added some Mountain Dew and that was pretty tasty. I also played a lot of Mario Galaxy. I love that game. Definitely one of my favorite Mario games. I'm at 62 stars right now. Anyways, I came to blog to get my creative juices rolling. I've been busy between work, finals coming up, cysts, and the like. I have a paper due next Friday for English. On the plus side, this is the last and only English class that I have to take (unless there's a hidden english class for a four year degree). So for my two year I only need one English. I tried to write my paper, but I just couldn't get those juices rolling. I have all my notebooks, books, and the like on my bed. Right now my cat is using one of my books to prop herself up. It's kinda funny. I'm gonna take a picture of it. I think I'm suffering from the writer's block. I just I know what I want to say in my paper, but don't know how to say. You know what I mean? My paper is an argument paper and I'm writing it on Video games don't cause violence in children. It's a pretty good topic. I have a couple of sources already. I know what I want to say, but like I said I don't know how to say it. So let me practice here. Right now I have Video games are played by many people around the world. That's all I have. This is what I want to say, I think: 

Many children play video games around the world. Since the number is getting bigger, people are becoming more aware that video games are violent. This makes people make irrational decisions, by placing blame for violence in children on violent video games. People should not blame violence in children on violence in video games.

Something of that nature. It's a rough in the form, and I want to smooth it out. By the way, I'm working on the introduction. The thesis is clear. The thesis is a controversial topic. The reader knows where I stand on the subject. It meets the requirements. I might do something like that. I think I have the juices rolling now. From there on I'll blabber about emotions and logic and ethics. It'll be good and gravy. With that, I bid you a happy snowy December if you have snow where you live.

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