Monday, May 10, 2004

Mystery 9.

Please before reading this, read the post named “Mystery?!?” and the Mysteries in order. “Mystery?!?” is in my most recent archives. This will make a lot more sense if you do.

Wow! New blogging thingy. Unless you have a blog, you don't know what I'm talking about. I thinking of a good picture for my profile. So many. Hmmmm... Oh yeah mystery 9. Is it already 9? Holy crap I better get this done in under 25 mystery post things. I guess I have 16 mystery posts left before i hit that mark. I mean if I go over, it's not a big deal, but I would like to get the mystery done before school is out. 13 more school days, and i think 18 days till summer vacation (weekends). Hey my wounds are healing. Although I limp with my leg being what shape it is in. It's more to prevent it from breaking open and bleeding then pain. I don't feel very much pain in it. Really none at all. Just whenever i walk up stairs, it breaks open and bleeds so i wear a bandaid. Then i try to walk "normal" and it seems I can't for some odd reason. So hopefully it heals. Just a warning... I think that Part 9 is crappy cause i rushed it and didn't go into it very much. DIdn't really go into the emotions of Jacob. Plus it seemed... rushed like I said before. It's your call on what you think of it. I promise you that Part 10 will be much much better then this. I'm almost done with part 10 so that's how I know it will be better. Here is Part 9:

I woke up the next day quite late. I felt hungry so I decided to check out some places to eat. It was noon on a Wednesday so it wasn’t too busy. I had to walk since my only source of transportation blew up. I found this quaint little café and ate there. When I got inside I saw Kris sitting at a table. She noticed me and signaled me to sit with her.
“Hey,” she said, “how goes it?”
“It’s going.” I said.
The waitress came and took our orders. Kris and I started talking.
“I think I may know who killed Slitwit and Chuck and maybe Jeff, but I don’t think it is a good idea to talk about it in public.” She said.
“Then we should meet later tonight.” Said I.
“Yeah, I’ll meet at your hotel room at around 7:00?” she said
“Ok.” I said. By this time our food had come cause all we ordered were salads. We started to chat about various things, like the whether, a little about Jeff, like what we thought of him and whatnot.
“He was nice all the time to us.” She said, “he was a good business man. Like Holland said, we were almost done getting our business set up, when he got this threatening letter.”
“He was a good friend to me.” I said, “we were best friends throughout elementary school through college, and we were always there for each other.”
Our waitress came and gave us our bills. She paid hers first and was leaving as I was paying mine. I looked up to watch her leave when all of a sudden out of no where, she fell to the ground and blood fell out of her body. I ran out there to see what had happened. She had been shot, directly in the heart. She was dead. Didn’t take long for the police to get there. They asked me what had happened and I told them that she was just walking out of the café when she fell down. I told them what happened and the paramedics examined the body and found the bullet. They said it looked like a bullet from a sniper rifle.
Slowly the people who had answers about Jeff’s murder were dying. This murderer was good at what he or she does. That just shot down the suspicion that she had killed Slitwit, or Jeff for that matter. I was back to the start again, except that I had to find out who killed four people. The only way I could find out was to talk to the only remaining people that knew Jeff well: Holland and Daisy. Speaking of Daisy, I don’t know much about her, except that she lived in Texas and she worked in a club. I think I’ll have a talk with her. Hopefully she won’t die before I talk with her… or I after I talk to her…

End of secton 9. short and sweet but good to eat.

Ok I will now go over the feelings of Jacob I guess. Well for one thing he is scared out of his freaking mind cause he is worried he will get killed next. So he is in a more panicy mood then a cool mood. About the death of Kris... well he is still more scared, but he is sad that she died, and kinda mad cause all of his clues are dying. SO yeah. Still more panicy.

Kris- really she just dies. Nothing more for characters.

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