Saturday, May 08, 2004

Mystery Part 8.

Please before reading this, read the post named “Mystery?!?” and the Mysteries in order. “Mystery?!?” is in my most recent archives. This will make a lot more sense if you do

The foody was goody at the spoody, even though it was moody i had a cookie. or the food was really good and i enjoyed it very much. My daddy bought me a new chair at an auction today. He got it for 2 bucks and it is a comffy chair. It doesn't look good, but it is very comffy. I wish I can move the back up a little bit; it is a little far too far back. I think one of these twisty thingys does it but with my hands being how they are... it hurts to twist them and it takes a lot of effort to do it. You know what? My brother pointed something out to me. Thousand Foot Krutch's song "Last Words" is what my cousin would say if he could say anything to us. I mean the song is perfectly what he would say. I was on the verge of tears when I listened to that song that way. It's so much true of what he would say probably. Well, I have to say that part 8 is long... and informative. I need to get started on part 9 and then tomorrow I can do part 10. So I am trying but I was busy all day today, and last night I wrecked and my thumb hurt a lot and I didn't really feel much to work on part 9. Here is part 8 for y'all.

I found out something. The police waste no time getting to the scene of a crime. I also found out that they are very suspicious of suspects. They won’t let us leave the house.
“Excuse me Mr. Slanders,” and officer approached me again, “I will need to ask you a few questions.”
“Go ahead.” Said I.
“How well did you know Mr. Slitwit?” He said.
“I knew him only a day. I met him yesterday evening.”
“Why did you meet?”
“We met cause of a death of a mutual friend.”
“Whom was this friend?”
“He was Jeffery Sickleson.”
“Any feuds between you and Slitwit?”
“None at all. We just met and I didn’t know him that well.”
The questions went on like this. They were asked to everybody, and everybody responded in the same way as I. Then the police told us that we could go back to our hotels.
Later in Jacobs hotel room…
Since it was late because of the questioning, I went to bed. It was only 6 o’ clock, but I felt tired. As I lay there, I felt tired but couldn’t sleep. Something was troubling me. So I decided to re-think my relationship with Jeff. I knew not how he got that scar on his face. When we were in elementary school, we met. We played with each other at recess and we made fun of teachers together. We were like regular best friends in elementary school. Then middle school. We were still friends and we hung out all the time. We weren’t that popular actually. I mean everyone knew who we were, but it wasn’t like they flocked around us. We usually made fun of the popular kids. He got addicted to crack our 8th grade year. I was the only one who knew about it, and I swore I wouldn’t tell. The odd part is that he got it for free. A guy named Snake. I knew his real name though. His real name was Francis. But I would refer to him as Snake anyways. Snake would pay and give Jeff the crack for free. I don’t know where Snake got the money to spend and not get paid back. He was in college at the time. Then I just thought, maybe, just maybe he murdered Jeff. He had the alibi. I mean what kind of person would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for a person? So Jeff could have what Snake paid for? Plus he knew how to rig explosives. He rigged up a couple of pipe bombs in his day. He didn’t really blow up anything, except like garbage and stuff. Nothing important.
Later that year, I finally talked Jeff into quit smoking that crack. It took him like only 2 weeks to quit. He had no cravings after that. He didn’t seem to be doing crack, so he must have quit. In high school, we were pretty much the same in the popular scale. He was different though. I knew he was off the crack for sure by then. He obtained these “secrets” that only I knew about. He met a friend that was obsessed with guns and weapons, mainly for hunting though. I forget the name if him. Every now and then Jeff would hang out with this dude. We were still the bestest of friends though. He hung out with me mainly and we would go to the local bar and play pool and some of the video games. That’s where we spent a lot of cash. Other then the crack back in middle school, he had other secrets. While he hung out with that one dude that liked weapons of sorts for hunting, Jeff learned and made some knives. No one knew it but me. His parents didn’t know and neither did that one kid. They were amazing. Some of them were extremely sharp and small. Some were the size of Samurai swords. They were sweet. He hid them in his closet wall where he had made a hole back in middle school to conceal his crack. Then I found out he also made a gun. Or invented one anyways. It was small and could deal a lot of damage to a deer. He went hunting often and used his knives and that gun. That gun took out that deer in one shot from a couple hundred yards. I have no clue how he aimed with that thing. One really odd secret that he had was an obsession with the medical profession, and the business world. Now it doesn’t seem odd cause he tried to start a business, and owned a club. The medical though, I don’t know. He was into it in college too, but not as much as in high school. That one is a mystery in itself.
Something that struck me odd is that Kris was a doctor. Now, she couldn’t be more then 25 years old. How in blazes does she become a doctor that fast? Especially when she was trying to start a business with Jeff and Holland.
Something struck me just then. She could have murdered Slitwit. I mean it was because of Jeff that the business went bad, cause the note was to Jeff. Also, she was the one that examined the body of Slitwit. She could have taken the thing that killed him out of the body. She got into the wound a little bit. She had somewhat of an alibi now. I need to have a little talk with her. Just then I started to fall asleep. Last time I glanced at the clock it said 2:39 A.M.

End of this scene bobby. Loads of info. on Jeff and a lot of people. Suspicious. Little bit of humor at the beginning… very little.

Snake- real name, Francis. Rigged a couple of pipe bombs. Was a crack buyer for Jeff.
Jeff-in middle school, smoked crack. Made knives and swords in high schools. Just a lot of information on him.

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