Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Microsoft; I really hate you

If Microsoft were a person, I'd kick him several times in the face and then punch him for good measures. I mean, I had to freaking format my hard drive completely, and couldn't back up any files, because I couldn't even get into Windows. I kept getting the Blue Screen of Death, that talks about dumping physical memory, and I have to hold down my power button to shut down, and that's not good for my computer, so after having to do that 1 million times, it wouldn't let me enter Windows. It just kinda showed a black screen after the "Loading Windows XP PRo." So I format, reinstall windows, except this time I have service pack 2, and I thought that would fix everything, and I wouldn't see the freaking Blue Screen of death ever again. Well it's the second day of having Windows, and I've only installed my essentials, and I get it, and now my programs are closing and I'm getting "Send error report" which does didly squat, and I'm just really getting mad at Microsoft for not developing a freaking operating system that works! Now in defense for Microsoft, and the only defense I may add, is that they have a nice, user friendly operating system. And that's the only reason I have it. And the fact that most game developers don't support Linux, or else I would have Linux, right now. So now you know why I freaking hate sibby... I mean Microsoft. And now, leave me to my staring at my computer, hoping it won't crash.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Tiring Day

Today was a tiring day. Heck, this week has been tiring. And it's not over! Tomorrow I start my first actual day of work. Yeah, I got a job. So let me tell you a long story. So, my mom tells me that Miracle Mart will hire me. I didn't really wanna work for Miracle Mart. Then she said that I wouldn't have to go through an interveiw and fill out an application, and that she would be training me. Also she said I would only have to work on Fridays and Saturdays, for ten hours. Now I thought that through, and I'm like, "Well, no interview, mom training me (she's a good worker, and a lot of people are slackers there), and only have to work two days a week. Sure it's ten hours a day, but that just means more money." So I said yes. Well last Monday, three days ago, I'm told that My orientaion is on Wed. I'm like "Ok, that's good.". Now a little side, that has to do with the long story. In Spanish, we have to cook something Spanish, and bring it for the class to eat. Well no one wants to do it, but hey, we have to. So I partnered up with the only friend I have in that class, and we decided to do a Fajita Pizza. It's fairly easy to make. Well we set a time to make it, and that is on Thursday. I found this out on Monday. Ok, now back to Miracle Mart. I hurry home on Wed, because orientation starts at 4. Well I have to stop at home real quick like, and As I'm running up the stairs, my brother yells at me and says, "Your orientation is tomorrow, not today." I stopped running. I go down, and say "WHAT!?". And so I'm kinda bumbed out, because I'm making that Pizza tomorrow (Thursday, or today.). Well I'm like, It'll work out fine. Well lets fast forward to today. I get to Spanish class and tell my friend that we will have to do it after my orientation, and that was fine. Ok after school, I hurry, and go home and run up the stairs, get what I need, leave and go to Miracle Mart. Iget there, go the conference room, fill out forms, get a tour, watch videos (about Nash Finch and dancing baked chicken, with eggs as heads) and what not. Then I get home. My dad isn't home yet., It's 6:00. I wait for him. At seven he gets home. We eat. We go to Miracle Mart (to pick up items for the Pizza) we have the hardest time finding Pizza dough, because the people that work there don't listen to the Videos and are suppose to walk us to where they are. They didn't. Slackers. One guy pointed and said "It's over there, in the delly." Well it wasn't even close to the delly. In fact, we never found it. So I get home, call my friend up to come over and help make it, my mommy calls, while he's on his way. My mommy was out of town, and was calling from Mandan, say she would be home soon. I told her to pick me up some Pizza dough, since she's a good worker. So my friend and I are waiting and she gets home, and she comes home with a sac that said Dan's Supermarket. She knew that Miracle Mart didn't have dough. So we make this bugger, and then when we get done, my friend leaves, and my mom wants me to go get new shoes. So I do that. It's about 9:30. I get home and I realize, just how long I haven't sat down. Now it is 10:10. That is my story, of the messed up Thursday. I would have been more organized if people could make up their mind, when i work. So tomorrow I start my training. Good night.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Maybe Everytime

So I've decided that I would make a coherent post. It's kinda warmish in my room. I have the fan going, but it is still warmish. Maybe it's humidish, instead of warmish. Maybe it's both, warmish and humidish. Ok so this post won't be completely coherent. So I've decided that my favorite band is... three bands, because I can't decided. They are: Relient K, John Reuben, and Toby Mac. And guess what John Reuben, and Matt Thiessen of Relient K did? They made a song together, and it became my favorite song, very quickly, and I have only listened to 1 minute and 44 seconds of it. I would recomend that you go to John Reuben's site, and download that sample and listen to it. If you can't remember his site, it is this. The song is called Nuissance. I love it so much, as you can tell. I heart nice weather. I think that best day of this year, was last Wednesday, because it was soooooo, nice out. We didn't really do anything in school, and for Englsih we just kinda went outside, that day. This week has just been a sweet week. I dunno if it is the weather or what. School almost out, which is good. I need a job, which is bad. I think I'll wonder down to Target and apply, since they are hiring. Well that is all, because me hungry... yeah you heard me. What? You don't understand? What are you talking about?! Ok... not coherent anymore. In short, bye.

Monday, May 02, 2005

How Now

So I've decided that I would go in and truly, but carefully, destroy the eversense of making the catastrophic event known only as The Cutting Slother Dude Man Evaportance.