Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Microsoft; I really hate you

If Microsoft were a person, I'd kick him several times in the face and then punch him for good measures. I mean, I had to freaking format my hard drive completely, and couldn't back up any files, because I couldn't even get into Windows. I kept getting the Blue Screen of Death, that talks about dumping physical memory, and I have to hold down my power button to shut down, and that's not good for my computer, so after having to do that 1 million times, it wouldn't let me enter Windows. It just kinda showed a black screen after the "Loading Windows XP PRo." So I format, reinstall windows, except this time I have service pack 2, and I thought that would fix everything, and I wouldn't see the freaking Blue Screen of death ever again. Well it's the second day of having Windows, and I've only installed my essentials, and I get it, and now my programs are closing and I'm getting "Send error report" which does didly squat, and I'm just really getting mad at Microsoft for not developing a freaking operating system that works! Now in defense for Microsoft, and the only defense I may add, is that they have a nice, user friendly operating system. And that's the only reason I have it. And the fact that most game developers don't support Linux, or else I would have Linux, right now. So now you know why I freaking hate sibby... I mean Microsoft. And now, leave me to my staring at my computer, hoping it won't crash.

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