Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I don't know. I just put that for no reason. Well I'm blogging and you know what that means? It probably means I have homework that I am putting off. Of course. I have a presentation that I need to finish for tomorrow, and so far I have most of the information that I need, most of my slide show presentation, and I have the time requirement thus far (barely)... just two problems: One, I have MOST of it done... not all. Two, I have to do it with a partner, and well, we haven't practiced it together and since it seems I did most of the work (which is one reason I hate partner presentations) he doesn't know what he is going to say, and the only way he will know is if he shows up at the school media center tomorrow. He was suppose to meet me there today, but he was a no show. Anyways, why I hate group/partner projects. Number one, I like to do a good job, and know what's going on so I tend to take charge and do most of it. Number two, I'm busy and can't ever meet the group/partner, out of class because Target is ticking me off and scheduling me every freaking day of the week that I am available to work which is every day except Wed. and Sun. Teacher rarely gives you enough time to do it in class. I mean it's research project, which means we spent the only two days researching and getting all our information right, and even we didn't get it all done, and then we have to magically find time out of freaking class. You know what? If they would've given me a month in advance about this, I could have asked for time off for this week, so that I could get together with my partner and work on it. Oh yeah, and tonight was a bad night. I signed up to go see Narnia with my church, which was an alright movie, but more on that later, and well I had to eat, so pretty much no time to get together with my partner. Probably part my fault for saying i'll do most of the work, but I like getting a good grade. And that's why I hate partners. Your grade depends on someone else also.

I don't know why I even care. It's a freaking number and and letter. Not even a word, it's just a letter. the grade I'm talking about now. But enough on the problems of society and crap. I have a project to finish, and hopefully I can find my partner and make sure he goes to the freaking media center (why not just call it a library? Whatever.). If that doesn't work, I'm gonna freaking just give up and stay in my head where it's nice.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Miss Nova

So Starcraft Ghost got some attention... again. SC Ghost has been in production for a long time. Just to give you a little update: SC Ghost was under the production of Blizzard and Nihilistic, at the start in 2002 or 2003 (I can't remember when they first announced it... it was a long time ago). Blizzard let go of Nihilistic in the middle of production, and hired Swinging Apes to work on the project. On the way they scrapped 90% of the code involved and most of the story line. This is about 2004. They bought Swinging Apes, so they became part of Blizzard. Swinging Apes added several things: graphics, new look for Nova (the main character), multiplayer, new playable characters, and the like. Right now, they've announced that you can play as protoss and zerg in multiplayer. So I don't know. Exciting, of course. But this is still gonna be on this generation of video game systems (XBox, PS2, Gamecube). Now that's a good idea, mainly because they have it all planned out for these systems already, and to start over and make it for the new systems would be pointless because they don't know all they can do with the new systems. But this might not be good for Blizzard mainly because it's gonna be close or after the new systems are released, and Ghost will slip under the radar and people may not buy it. Maybe. That's just my theory. I don't mind having it made on this generation of systems, but Blizzard might lose money because of it. Just to let you know, no release date is set for Ghost yet. Sometime next year is all we have to go by. That is all. Unless you want to here a story.

I was playing Shadow the Hedgehog, and I got made and was gonna punch my bed, but the remote for the TV was under my fist, so I punched that instead and it was bleeding pretty bad. The fist, not the remote. The remote is fine, it only suffered from loosing-battery-cover-and-batteries injuries. I think my hand is still bleeding though. Oh well.