Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Pocket Lent

You really don't realize how smell affects your appetite until you have fasted. For Lent I decided to fast every Wednesday, so today I fasted. It went well. I've done 30 hour famine before, where you fast for 30 hours and raise money for a growing food in third world countries. But we stayed in the church basement and had no signs of food around. Just juice. So when i fasted today and went to school and what not, it wasn't too bad. I went with friends to Taco Bell, just to hang out with them, and I was like "I really want a cheesy ghordita crunch!" Just because of the smell in there. I held firmly though. Than I went with a friend across the street from the school to the gas station to get some drinks, because I can drink stuff, but not eat stuff, and he decided to get a Waffle cone since it's waffle cone Wednesday. I was looking at it and it made me hungry. Again i held strong. Than at home my dad was making Tacos. I almost lost it. I don't normally like tacos but it smelt sooooooooooooooo good. I held of firmly though. And here i sit typing to you folks. I also bought two CDs today. Amberlin Cities and Toby Mac's Portable Sounds. I had no idea Amberlin released a new CD, until i got to the Rainbow Shop and there it sat. So I picked it up. I spent 36 bucks exactly on them. I get home and surfed the internet and checked out Target's ad, and i find out we have both the CDs and they are on sale for 9.99. So if you plan on picking up either of these CDs, go to Target. I guess I did support the Rainbow Shop, so it wasn't all bad. More good news. My bro and Ashley are coming to town on friday! YAY! he gets to install my amp and get linux working on my computer. Exciting considering it's HIS birthday. hehe. Well I'm gonna head off to bed so later catzzzzz.


Unknown said...

Roy Roy Roy, how could you not have noticed the big sign above the new release endcap that had BOTH of those albums pictured on it? you work in electronics for goodness sakes

Unknown said...

Roy, your blog called me today, it wanted me to find it a good lawyer because it's suing you for neglect...or something like that...