Sunday, August 26, 2007


Hi all. I know it's amazing: I'm actually blogging again and it hasn't taken me a few months! So college is sweet. I have awesome teachers. Then again, I have only two teachers that i see. I have the same teacher for 3 of my classes, Windows, Linux, and Networking. Then I have another teacher for English, and he is awesome. He's a teacher that's hard to explain, but so far I've only had two classes with him and both times he's left the room for 15 minutes. I guess if you sneak out, all you are doing is wasting money (lots of it). Plus he's just funny and fun. Then i have online classes so I haven't met them and probably won't unless I absolutely do not understand something. I was able to access my online classes the next day from my last post, just to let you know. Still don't have my book for Web Design. It's actually called Electronic Publishing, but it's just Web Design from high school. On a different subject, Vista died. If you have me on MSN and want to ask me about it, go for it. I miss Vista... wait i have it on my Lappy. Yeah I know I stole the name from Strong Bad, but hey, I'm going to copy it. I still miss Vista on my desktop. Vista does have better performance over XP i figured out. It takes way to long for XP to load. I'd say an extra two or three minutes for it to load up into XP then Vista. But I also want to warn you before you go out and buy Vista: make sure your computer is good enough. I'd say at least 2 Gb of ram and a decent processor. I hate people who are like "Vista sucks. I got it and my computer runs so slow." How much ram do you have. "1 Gb." That's why it runs slow. Vista is a ram hog. Some people might say this is a bad thing, and maybe it is, but really, ram is dirt cheap. And Vista looks pretty. I probably won't sway any of the Vista haters out there, but hey, I like it. Umm... what else. Well if i think of anything else I'll make another post. Later cats.

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