Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I hate it when people do stupid things. Especially when it's my friends. Two of my best friends got in a car with one of my friend's coworker, and he decided to 70 mph around a bend on a dirt road. I'm no expert of dirt roads, but when my cousin dies in a similar fashion on a dirt road, i know it's not a good idea to be going that speed, especially around a bend. Yes they did get in an accident and they were VERY lucky. I have my suspicions that alcohol was involved, although i haven't asked my friends directly. I figured if they want to tell they will. Either way it was stupid. first off, if there was alcohol involved, they, my friends, should not have gotten in the car. If alcohol was not involved, then my friends should have been intelligent enough to tell the guy to slow down. There's a thin line between stupid and fun, and they crossed it. The driver messed up his spine pretty bad and is lucky that he is not paralyzed, and is still in the hospitol with two rods up his spine and bolts and screws coming out of his body. He's able to walk. My friend in the front has an extra vertibrae in his spine, and damaged a disk in his spine or something like that. He never had to stay in the hospitol but got some pain pills and said to take it really easy for two months. Now he was going to Korea for Tai Kwon Do (i think that's right) in Nov, but not anymore. I don't feel sorry for him a bit. Yes he's my friend, but I don't want to be grieving over someone else who got killed in a car accident. My other friend in the back seat is even more lucky, because he walked away unhurt. Just minor whiplash that he felt for a day and went away.

Now you may wonder, why i think alcohol was involved. Because of stupidity my dear. First off, the driver, who i said had a really messed up back after the accident, walked away and laid (lied?) down at home until the next day when he couldn't move at all. His spine was twisted in ways a spine is not supposed to be twisted. You're not suppose to move a body from a car accident that has a messed up spine. You're suppose to call the police and ambulance. They didn't, and i can imagine that the pain was great, but they didn't want to get caught with a dui and a minor. Actually there's not two. Just that one great argument.

I hope alcohol wasn't involved. My friends are not the type to drink. I'm not the type to drink especially after my cousin's death. But people act differently with other people.

Morally of the story. Don't be stupid. Don't drink and drive. Don't drive fast on dirt roads.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey roy, thought I would copy paste what Kyle said in Jers facebook wall

Pretty much, i was involved in a drunk driving accident, i was in the back seat and the owner of the car, who had been drinking before i arrived and is very well at pretending hes sober, took us to a new housing developement in the area he lived and then he accelerated to 70mph around a sharp turn and it was gravel we slid into the ditch alongside the turn went up an approach flew 57 feet forward and landed in a freshly planted tree row, he had to have imediate surgery the next day because he broke his back and my other friend in the front seat has a hairline fracture in one of his discs in his back, i havent gone to the doctor because some how i managed to not obtain any injury from the crash suprisingly i feel ok, but all i can think about now is how close we were to rolling a car off of the approach and the fact of the matter is if that car was rolled all 3 of us would have been dead instantly... Right now iam very emotionally drained because well i was almost dead-