Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Johnny Boy has a little catching up to do.

I think this is the longest I've gone without updating. Who woulda thought? Any whos, I have some stuff to update on, but really not a lot considering the time frame it has been. Well I've been mostly busy doing things... very slowly... I mean if i didn't do other stuff while I did these things, I would probably have gotten a months work done in a week or less, but oh well. Mainly I watched a movie that I thought was funny as do some other peeps. Office Space. Yeah Pete and Charles have quoted a lot from the movie, and I thought it was funny to hear the quotes so I barrowed the DVD from a Friend. Yeah it was just after school, and I asked my friend, "Have you seen Office Space" and he's like "yeah I have it." And I'm like "dude you need to let me barrow it some time," and so he whips it outof his back pack and hands it to me. I'm like, "You just happen to have it in your backpack..." and he's like "yep." and there was really no particular reason. Yep. On to bigger and better things: Last Friday was the Christmas Party/Caroling/progressive dinner thingy. That was da bomb and a half. Yeah it was great. If you weren't there, you need to go next year. Hey guess what? I hit a wooden peg thingy with my car. I would upload the picture but as it were, I don't have a website. Stupid school. I have no clue why they even had that set of pegs there. They serve no real purpose except for me to hit it and loose one of my two front right blinkers (my car apparently has two front right blinkers and two front left blinkers). I smacked it fairly hard. I was backing out of my parking spot (which had a set of pegs on the right side) I was watching behind me for cars (for people at Century like to speed and aren't that safe of drivers) and I turned the wheel to soon, and smaked the peg with my front right side. I just look over and see the plastic cover and the light bulb fly into the air. I get out, and the orange plastic cover is in tact, as is the light bulb holder mirror type thingy, and I saw that my plastic cover was in two peices and that I had a dent in my car. So my theory is that I smacked the peg right behind the blinker light, and that the dent it made push the blinker thingy out, and that's why it's hanging from the side of my car. So I shove the blinker thingy into the hole it once was, and it wouldnt stay, and I took the plastic covers and put them in my car and I couldnt find the Light bulb which is assumed to be dead. So after that I get in my car (for it was really windy yesterday if you remember) and I'm driving down Century Ave. (with my blinker thingy waving in the wind and hitting my car) and I get to the Light at the corner of Washington and Century (for I had to stop because I was taking a left turn) and the wind blows my blinker thing on my hood, but than it soon fell back down and it started snowing like butt. And that's my story. I go see a mechanic dude tomorrow about an estimate. Switching subjects, why in the world is the world banning the word "CRIST"mas. I tell you what, people complain to much. Did you know that they won't let kids sing CHRISTmas songs in schools. yeah they change the words to say "We wish you a stinking holiday" or something of that nature. But I'm glad to say that Arby's doesn't care about that. Although for some odd reason they have Merry Christmas all over and than they just have a lone Monorah (did I spell that correctly?) on the windows. Enough of my jibber jabber. I'm out and probably won't post 'til the new year because I'm going to my grandma's house for Christmas and won't be back 'til the 28 of December. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

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