Saturday, April 16, 2005

Square root of 144

So today was a nice day. I mean, I rode my bike to places, frolfed, did stuffs outside. It was a great day. Just back from watching the movie "Road to Perdition". Tom Hanks is an awsome actor. I mean you can't hate him. He's just so lovable. Anyways. I played some Diable 2, yesterday. Played it all day, with a friend and got to act III. I quit once we got there, mainly because I didn't feel like playing Act III. So I go to my single player characters, and guess what? They were all at Act III, excpt for one, which had completed the game. So I didn't play D2, after that. Instead, I played Mario 3 and beat it in 45 minutes. I am going to go do that now, I think... except not Mario 3 and not 45 minutes. Probably just Mario 1. Bye peeps.

1 comment:

Roy J said...

Good job. I'm proud of you. I wish I would have thought of that.