Sunday, July 24, 2005

Connect the Dot

Hey everybody. Soooooo, it's been awhile. Oh well. I suppose you probably didnt really notice. So let's just cut to the complaint department. It's not that bad of a complaint. Come one :P. Anyways, we were dogsitting this little doggy named Copper. He's a Dockson and he's two years old. Those dogs seem stuck up. In fact, they are kinda. This dog wasn't. Your first impression is that he was, but he's really not. See, Rascal loves to play, and we were thinking, "Man, Copper is gonna hate Rascal." So after having him for two hours, Rascal was chewing on his ears for that time and Copper just took it. After two hours, they started playing together. They weren't fighting, they were playing. After a couple weeks of having him, we gave up trying to make Copper shut up, because he likes to bark at nothing. When we let him outside, he literally barks at air. I figured out that he was trying to make any dogs within ear shot, bark. We no want this. If there is a dog within earshot, and the dog barks back, Copper will bark nonstop. I figured out a way to shut him up. First I take the hose, and squirt him with water... actually that's the whole plan. It works like a charm. Also, he will sit by the window, when he's inside, and if he sees any movement (neighbor walking to car, flying bird, etc) he will not hesitate to bark his freaking head off. He finally went home yesterday. I'm joyful, Rascal sad. See my mom and dad are out of town so he's really down, and now that his playmate is gone... well I love him a lot now days and play with him when I can. Moving on.

I purchase Thousand Foot Krutch's CD, "The art of Breaking" on Tuesday. I finally figured out that the Rainbowshop doesn't put out CDs on the shelves on their release date, even though they are on sale. This is the second CD I had to go up to the counter and ask for. If you remember the john Reuben CD. That wasn't a real sentence I just realized. It's suppose to be connected onto the previous sentence. Or maybe I could finish it off, like, "If you remember the John Reuben CD, I had to go up to the counter to get it, also." That sounds good. I haven't had time to listen to it that much. I've only go twice through it, and listened to it off and on. The only time I get a listen is when I'm driving around in my automobile, my baby beside me at the wheel... ok I don't have a baby... yeah. So far my favorite song is "Absolute." Moving on.

How 'bout that hailstorm on Thurday? We got a broken window. Luckily it's a double paned window, so only the outside pane got pain... get it. It's a pun. Tehehe. Yes some of Destroyer's habits got to me. Also My mirror shattered, on the driver's side. My car is already hailed out, so you don't even notice the new hail dents. For all I know, I didn't recieve any dents. If you didn't know, we recieved golf ball sized hail, with 60 mph winds. Yeah. I think everyone here knows that though. So like 10 minutes before the storm, I was playing some Starcraft on my computer, and then I look out my window... I don't know why I did, but I did, and I say trees blowing really hard... and then I relized that Copper and Rascal are outside, so I bring them in and ten minutes later it starts hailing like God is play golf, and Rascal crawls under my parents' bed and starts barking. What a brave chicken he is. He shows that storm who's boss... under the bed. Moving on.

So I just realized how fun it is to say Croquet. You know, the game where you hit balls, through little hoops, with mallets and try to get the ball to the stick sticking out of the ground. That croquet. I don't know why, but it's just a funny word. Your word for the day is "Croquet". Don't forget. Moving on

To lunch. Bye.

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