Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Typical American Dream

So I was thinking and I said to myself, "You are really pessimistic, Roy. You complain a lot." Then I got to thinking again and I said to myself, "Maybe you are, but you are optimistic, also." And I wondered what was in a Wonderball... or I wondered if this was truly possible. Can you be both? I don't know. All I know is that I complain a lot. I mean look at my last post. Me complaining about forums. Anyways, I've decided that I'm gonna try to not complain, as much. So what's new in my life? Well I noticed that Charles updated his blog, and then I said to myself, "Yep, that's Charles." and then I went on to the next blog. Also I went up to Wibaux for the Independence Day, or Fourth of July, or three days after Canada Day. It was alright. One of the better parades I've seen recently. They had a nice one, and they threw candy! I don't really like candy all that much, so it didn't matter to me. It was a pretty long parade, considering the size of the town. I think it went on for like 45 minutes, and wasn't really dull. Then I saw a talent show, and some acts were alright. Most songs sung were country, and they sang along with the CD, not to their own music. Some music was sung to their own music, on the piano, and those were good. Then there were comedy acts and stuffs like that. Anyways, there's more, but I feel like I'm boring you. I like to read fantasy books. Not Harry Potter. I just didn't like them. That's me though. My favorite fantasy writer would have to be R.A. Salvatore. Right now I'm reading the Demon Wars series. Kinda funny how I started reading the series. I read the 2nd book in the series, first, by accident. I was looking for a book to read one day, and stumbled upon it and started reading it. I got about 10 pages in when I realized that. I finished the book, and Salvatore is so good a writer is that I didn't really need to read the first book, to understand the 2nd. Now I'm reading the first book and am almost done with it. I feel saddened because the CHS library has the series, but I can't check out any books from them, after July 11, until the beginning of the school year. So I have to wait. I don't think that Public library had the series. Anyways, I'm probably boring you again. This morning I woke up at 3:30 am, by accident. I thought my alarm rung, and I got out of bed and made my way downstairs to take a shower. I thought it odd that no one else was awake, or that it was kinda dark, but I went anyways. When I was in the shower I was like, "I'm gonna have to take a nap, after summer school today. I'm tired." I was hearing sounds, so I assumed my parents had gotten up. So I went upstairs, and my mom was like, "What are you doing up?" and I'm like "I don't know. Why?" and she's like "it's 3:30 in the morning." and I'm like "Oh! I'm going to bed, goodnight." and so i went to bed and looked at my clock and sure enought it was 3:30. I didn't need to take a nap today.

I also thought I lost my cat, today. My mom was leaving and she's like "I haven't seen the cat lately, and i've been letting her inside and outside all morning. You may want to check outside for her." and so my mom left. So I checked my brother's room, and under his bed. Nothing. I checked all downstairs. Nothing. I checked upstairs, under the beds. Nothing. I checked outside, and nothing. There's no way she would be able to get out of our backyard, for we Rascal proofed it. And she's to fat to jump over the fence. So I start to panic. And so I checked downstairs again, and my brother's room, and under his bed. Nothing. Then I'm like "Hmm... I wonder if she is on this side" for his under his bed, is like a tunnel, like a T. I checked to top of the T, and there she was. Looking fat and I gave a hug and told her how much I love and and how she shouldn't do that to me again... or I didn't, but I did pet her.

Night all.

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