Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I was kinda creeping around the internet and went to to see what's going on there. And then I noticed SCLegacy headlines, and one cought by eye so i clicked on it. The article was an interview about Project Revolution. Prject Revolution is a Warcraft 3 mod. The special thing is that they are basically recreating Starcraft. Updating it if you will. Making 3d, better ai, and they are even going to release their World Editor that they are using (they have a custom made world editor that they are using to make it). One of the sweet things is that you'll still be able to play regular WC3, Frozen Throne, Broodwar and SC with the mod installed. It requires all of the games to be curtious to Blizzard, so people could play "Starcraft" without owning it (Cause the mod will be free), and obviously you need both the WCs to play. But enough of that. It's exciting to me, but I'm not overly hyped about it.

Another game i just got excited for is Hellgate: London. I am excited for two reasons: the game looks like it's going to be really really sweet, and it's made by the company Flagship Studios. You probably have never heard of them, and I hadn't (or at least realized I hadn't) until recently when play around and found and by the way, I like the unofficial site, .org then the official site .com for flagshipstudios. but anyway. For those of you who don't know who they are, they started making the game Hellgate London a couple years ago. Under a different name, the team also made the game Diablo and Diablo II. Not Blizzard, but Blizzard North. Also some people who help make Starcraft and Warcraft are also part of the new company. I don't know if they were let go from Blizzard, or they quit, but either way, Hellgate looks like a really sweet game. Graphically, I can see a lot of similarities with Diablo II, except for better graphics. But like the colors, they are similar, and the monsters. Even the story is something that could be thought up by the makers of Diablo. So this game I am excited for.

Well that's all for now. Later.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


I had the day off today. It's like my first Saturday every to have off without requesting it off. I spent just relaxing, and enjoying it. I watched a couple episodes of Trigun. I also played a lot of New Super mario Bros. for the DS. The game is really fun. Brings back those old days of playing Mario 3 and Super Mario World. It's also frustrating at times. There are some giant coins, as i call them, that you need to collect, and they can be pretty frustrtating to get. But it's fun overall. I also watched a movie today. I watched Donnie Darko, for like the 4th time. I notice something new evertime I watch that movie. That's basically what I did today, besides eating. Just thought I'd share my day with you.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I have half a debate to write. That sucks. At first it started fun, but then they assigned it to us. Then it just sucked from there on. Debates are kinda hard for me. I see good on both sides. I alos see the bad on both sides. So I can say, "Hey this is a good point" but then i go "but they can counter attack with this point" so stalemate or my side getting beaten down. And not to mention that they gave us our topics and our side. So I have to debate on why the U.S. should allow immigration. I'm not for or against it. Simple logic of, "Well the United States was founded by Immigrants" doesn't pertain to now days, and the opposing "tyhe U.S. is overcrouded" just isn't true. Solution: move to the moon and start your own country on it. Although that wouldn't work too well cause you would have to import everything... and apparently that's bad for a country's economy if you can't export anything. Basically I have to no initiiative to do it. I have even less initiative to debate over it tomorrow. Nowe the New Super Mario Bros. on the other hand, I have tons of initiative to play that... too bad I have half a debate to write. I hate my teachers who are like "students have tons of fun with it" while so far all i've heard are groans about it. The topics are just... how should I put it without sounding like a stereotypical teen toward a stupid project... worthless? I mean a debating skill is a good thing, but generally you debate on things you are passionate about. Then again the teachers some how made a debate skill with being a bestman at a wedding and toasting the couple... not sure how they made that corrilation (i think that's spelt wrong).

I need to stop whining. If any of you are pro immigration and happen to see this tonight, you should email me some main points. Later.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Answers to Questions

100 Little Things About Yourself


1. Name: Roy Torgerson
2. Nicknames: Roy G Biv, Mr. G Biv. Bivins, Rufuss, Royfuss, are current ones. Old ones, could include RJ.
4. Place of Birth: Glendive I’m thinking
5. Zodiac Sign: The one that starts with an L… Luna I think.
6. Male or Female: male
7. Grade: JR.
8. School: Century
9. Occupation: Salesfloor/electornics
10. Residence: Bismarck
11. Screen Name: Roy

___Your Appearance___

12. Hair Color: Red
13. Hair Length: average
14. Eye color: either blue or green. It really depends.
15. Best Feature: I couldn’t tell you.
16. height: 5’11
17. Braces?: at one point in time, but they my teeth went back into place cause my orthodontist sucked
18. Glasses?: contacts, but I wear glasses at night.
19. Piercing: nope
20. Tattoos: nope
21. Righty or Lefty: righty

___Your 'Firsts'___

22. First best friend: Anthony
23. First Award: Something from elementary school
24. First Sport You Joined: bowling
25. First Pet: Dickens, Shila, I think
26. First Real vacation: California? Maybe. That’s the first one I remember cause our car broke down so many times.
27. First Concert: Audio Adrenaline/Sonic Flood
28. First Love: spaghetti

___ Favorites___

29. Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean I think.
30. TV Show: Scooby Doo
31. Colors: Blues, grays, and greens
32. Rapper: John Reuben
33. Band: Hmmm… Top Three would be Blindside, Thousand Foot Krutch and Linkin Park
36. Candy: Sour Patch Kids
37. Sport to Play: frisbee golf
38. Restaurant: red lobster
39. Favorite brand to wear: anything comfortable
40. Store: Target
41. School Subject: Maths
42. Animal: Dogs and Cats
43. Book: R.A. Salvatore books. Favorite series has to be the Demon Wars.
44. Magazine: none
45. Shoes: none


46. Feeling: Thinking
47 Single or Taken: Single
49. Eating: Just had some Quiznos
50. Drinking: Nothings

51. Typing: This
52. Online: nope
53. Listening To: nothing now, but Thousand Foot Krutch is in my car CD player
54. Thinking About: Making some music videos
55. Wanting To: not go to work at 5
56. Watching: nothing
57. Wearing: a t-shirt, jeans


58. Want Kids?: someday
59. Want to be Married: someday
60. Careers in Mind: computer management
61. Where do you want to live?: Bismarck
62. Car: Mustang

___Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___

63. Hair color: doesn’t matter
64. Hair length: doesn’t matter
65. Eye color: doesn't matter
66. Measurements: doesn’t matter
67. Cute or sexy: cute
68. Lips or Eyes: eyes
69. Hugs or Kisses: both
70. Short or Tall: doesn’t matter
71. Easygoing or serious: both
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: Both
74. Sensitive or Loud: sensitive
75. Hook-up or Relationship: relationship
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: hesitant

___Have you ever___

78. Kissed a Stranger: no
79. Had Alcohol: not lately
80. Smoked: long time ago
81. Ran Away From Home: no
82. Broken a bone: nope
83. Got an X-ray: They give X-Rays if you are constipated
85. Broken Someones Heart: not that I know of
86. Broke Up With Someone: no
87. Cried When Someone Died: yep
88. Cried At School: no

___Do You Believe In___

89. God: yes
90. Miracles: yes
91. Love At First sight: sure
92. Ghosts: no
93: Aliens: no
94. Soul Mates: I don’t know
95. Heaven: yes
96. Hell: yes
98. Kissing on The First Date: Maybe
99. horoscopes: no

___Answer Truthfully___

100. Is there someone you want but you know you can't have? Nope.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Vibrations in the Air

My head feels like it's vibrating. It doesn't hurt... it's just incredibly annoying. I'm also pretty ticked cause I was waiting on formatting my hard drive until my video finished downloading, but it seems that the virus has provoked my computer to end all connections to the internet. That sucks. I was 72% done. SO I wasted a week of downloading basically, unless it starts working again. BJ is fat. Although that sucked, I did put in my new 500 watt power supply for my computer. Happy for me. I'm hoping to get my hard drive back from my brother. I had a 20 gig harddrive before, but then I bought an 80 gig harddrive. But my old power supply could only handle one harddrive. So with my new one, I can use my old harddrive along with my 80 gig harddrive. That beard was awsome. So having an extra 20 gigs will be nice. But my brother is using it for a class right now. But his school is over next week. So it'll be mine again. But still, I'm dissappointed about my video file that I can't finish downloading yet. I'll havfe to start over when I format. Well I'll probably start formatting tomorrow and then have Windows reinstalled on thursday.

I went down to Target to buy a can of air. So I did. Then I'm like, "I should go to the Rainbow Shop and buy Grit's 7 cd."So I arrived there and I noticed that they had some other CDs I wanted to buy... 3 other CDs... total of 4. So I bought them. Total: 32 bucks. Now you have to ask, Rainbow Shop, 4 CDs, 32 bucks!? CDs there are usually 17 bucks. I got some good deals. two CDs that were 10 bucks and two CDs for 6 bucks... or something like that. I've decided that I like the original mix of a CD vs. a remix. And so far that continues to be true. I bought John Reuben's "In Hindsight the Professional Rapper isn't there yet" or something similar to that. Which has remix versions of a lot of his songs. I have to say that I dislike several of the remixed songs on the CD. I like the originals a lot better. I also bought Grit's "Art of Transformation" but I haven't gotten a chance to listen to it yet. Well I have to go up and do some dishes. Later.