Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I have half a debate to write. That sucks. At first it started fun, but then they assigned it to us. Then it just sucked from there on. Debates are kinda hard for me. I see good on both sides. I alos see the bad on both sides. So I can say, "Hey this is a good point" but then i go "but they can counter attack with this point" so stalemate or my side getting beaten down. And not to mention that they gave us our topics and our side. So I have to debate on why the U.S. should allow immigration. I'm not for or against it. Simple logic of, "Well the United States was founded by Immigrants" doesn't pertain to now days, and the opposing "tyhe U.S. is overcrouded" just isn't true. Solution: move to the moon and start your own country on it. Although that wouldn't work too well cause you would have to import everything... and apparently that's bad for a country's economy if you can't export anything. Basically I have to no initiiative to do it. I have even less initiative to debate over it tomorrow. Nowe the New Super Mario Bros. on the other hand, I have tons of initiative to play that... too bad I have half a debate to write. I hate my teachers who are like "students have tons of fun with it" while so far all i've heard are groans about it. The topics are just... how should I put it without sounding like a stereotypical teen toward a stupid project... worthless? I mean a debating skill is a good thing, but generally you debate on things you are passionate about. Then again the teachers some how made a debate skill with being a bestman at a wedding and toasting the couple... not sure how they made that corrilation (i think that's spelt wrong).

I need to stop whining. If any of you are pro immigration and happen to see this tonight, you should email me some main points. Later.

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