Monday, January 08, 2007

Perfect Circle

Hey everyone. I told I'd blog more. I don't work until 5 today so i have some downtime at least. I CD player in my car went out a couple weeks ago and my brother took a look at it and found nothing wrong... except for the obvious fact that it wouldn't turn on. He used a voltage meter to check the wires and it said everything was fine. Well, Steve looked at my CD Player and used a voltage meter and my main power wasn't getting any power. So then we check the Radio Ignition fuse. I even knew what that did. Apparently it was shot to death. So I bought a new one and put it in, and now my CD player works. Yay! How my brother didn't think about checking that is beyond me. Anyways, I also bought a new CD player, just because I want one that I can plug my IPod into. It's nice. I also bought an amp while I was at it. I needed one for my Subs that have been sitting in my car for about a year now and I had no amp for it. You think I waited long enough? I wanted to get new speakers to, but the speakers I wanted were 55 bucks a pop, and times that by four is 220 bucks. Yeah. Plus I thought about when I tried to take off the side panel to my doors, and that wasn't fun. So I opted to not get a set of nice speakers. I bought the new Swichfoot CD on Saturday, Oh, Gravity and I liked it. It's a different sound for them, but it sounds great. I don't have much to elaborate on. It's just awesome. Apparently I've been spelling awesome wrong for the past some-odd years. I never knew it has an e between the w and s. I guess it makes more sense that way. The new blogger has spelling correction in it. I like it. You don't have to put up with as much of my bad spelling. I'm off to play some Wiiage before work. Later cats.


Unknown said...

i did check that and it had power when i checked it, maybe dads volt meter is stupid

Roy J said...

probably was dad's voltage meter. Hey I need you to call me on like, sunday or if you don't work saturday after 5, and talk me through installing my CD player