Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I decided that I would update. I must say it has been awhile since I've really really looked forward to a CD. Probably John Reuben's Boy Vs. The Cynic was the last CD I really really looked forward to. I would listen to Nuisance on his website a lot. Now Linkin Park is releasing a new CD finally and I've listened to their song What I've Done a lot and boy I am excited for it. So I can't wait until May 15. I also found a pretty sweet program that I think everyone should have. It's called Download Accelerator Plus. Downloads files faster from the internet. I didn't believe it until I saw it myself. What it does it partitions the file into smaller files and downloads them. It makes downloading a lot faster. I'm gonna give you an example. Using Firefox's downloading program, I downloaded Unreal Tournament's Mega Pack, which is a 200 megabyte file, in about 45 minutes. With Accelerator Plus, I downloaded it in about 20 minutes. Yeah. Little less than 20 minutes actually. So i recommend it. I also upgraded my computer BIG time. I bought a new motherboard so i could support all my new stuff. I had a 450 watt power supply, and upgraded to a 680 watt to handle my new stuff. I got a pretty new case to put it in. It's a full sized case, with 2 fans on the side, one big fan in the back and one fan on top. they all have blue lights, except the one in the back. The case looks like a transformer and has a green light where the transformer mouth would be. You know what, here's pictures of it. It's a heavy bugger, but my old computer overheated all the time so i needed a bigger case and more fans. This thing does not overheat, not even while I play oblivion on full specs. Which brings me to the guts. Got a new video card. I had a 128 megabyte ATI video card. Now i have a 768 Megabyte Nivdeo 8800 GTX video card. I needed a full sized case to fit that baby in. It's about the length from my palm to my elbow. It's long. Next was my processor. I didn't skimp on the either. I used to have a 2.2 GHz single core AMD preocesor. Now I have a AMD 6000+ series 3.02 GHz dual core processor. Yeah. It's awesome. Next was my memory. I went from 512 Megabytes of RAM to 2 Gigabytes. It's awesome. I run Oblivion without a hitch. It's a fun game. I also bought STALKER. That's a freaky game. If you give me a gun and tell me there are enemies everywhere, I'm fine in first person shooters. STALKER is different however. You are put inside an area known as the Zone. It's Chernobyl, you know the place where the Nuclear Power Plant blew up. Lots of radiation. Anyways, it's creepy. First off, the weather effects are amazing. The wind is creepy as anything. You wonder around the Zone fearing that you'll get snuck up on by mutants. I looked up the enemies and know there's a mutated dog somewhere, and some crows that are creepy. So when I'm walking around the Zone, by myselft, nothing really but trees, the wind blowing creepily, dogs howling, and crows cawing, but nothing is attacking me... I get freaked out. And this is DAY time. I haven't even gotten to night time I'm so freaked out. If i find some cheats or something to make me invincible, I'll feel a little safer, but I'll still freak out when something jumps out at me. So if you want to be in suspense a lot, I recommend this game... but than again I am a scaredy cat. Ask by brother. I slept with a night light until I was 15. Still can't play Resident Evil games. Nights.

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