Thursday, October 04, 2007

That sucked

Let me tell you a story. For the past couple of days I've been sick, and I've not been sleeping well because of it. Yesterday, I didn't have to work, didn't have class in the afternoon, and I got a lot of stuff done that I needed to do. I needed to finish my layout design for the family reunion site, and i got that done, needed to do my online classes for the week, got that done, and I finally got around to installing the forum on my site. So I thought it was a pretty productive day. Watched some Scrubs with friends that night. Went to bed at midnight, was very tired because of lack of sleep and being sick. I don't have class today, so I was happy that night that I could sleep in as late as i wanted. It was going to be a good night. Fell asleep fairly fast. about 2 am, I wake up to being half asleep. I switched to a different position to fall back asleep. Then I woke up completely. From the right side of my neck, to my right elbow, my shoulder was in pain. And I mean pain. It hurt no matter what position I moved my arm. It was bad. I went upstairs, looked through our medicine cabinet. I found some Absobine JR, but I didn't want to apply a liquid on my shoulder. I found Ibuiprofin (however you spell it) and took one of those. That didn't work. At 3 am I finally asked my mom if she had some muscle pain medicine. She had some spray stuff and that helped. Made my shoulder tingle, but masked the pain a little bit. I finally just layed down, closed my eyes and finally sleep overcame me. Slept good the rest of the night until 11:30. My shoulder still kinda hurts. A hot shower made it feel even more better.

I'm hoping that my shoulder will feel better before work today. I'm still sick too. It kinda sucks. Well I'm gonna go do something else. Later.

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