Monday, November 29, 2004

I want one, Your mother wants one. It gives two.

Well I am so going to go out and buy this new contrapsion called the Nintendo DS. First though, I need a 150 bucks plus some extra cash to buy a game or two. If you have any unanswered questions about the DS, which I did, I suggest you try this little spot. It told me what I needed to know. Well you've heard me talk about the DS before so let me just say, it has been a long time since I bloggypooed. What have I been doing? Nothing. There just hasn't been any new things happening over on this end. Kinda was off in space or something. Now it's different. Well I went up to my grandma's house for Thanksgiving. My cousin got married. He had his wedding down in Las Vegas. I didn't go because of school things. Didn't feel like taking finals for missing 4 days of school ( I've already missed one) . Let's see, I've also noticed something with Thousand Foot Krutch's first CD. The music changes with what the lead singer (can't think of the name on the top of my head) is singing about. It's really interesting. I mean when the music is at the a low point, he's singing about something... Low? Can't come up with a better word at the moment. And when he's singing about something good, important, high, or something of that nature, the music is at a high point. Get it? If not I understand because I can't think of the words to describe it. Upon reading the last couple posts, I realized i didn't inform you that I didn't get the job :(. Oh well. Guess look somewheres else. I was going to give you the review that Relient K Mmhmm was freaking awsome, but I think I stated that. As for now, I shall bring this post to an end and send ye on your marry way for the search for the monkey pooping his pants in the gutter of the never ending slosh of fink. yes.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Need opinion

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Friday, November 05, 2004


My computer is running slower than a monkey with iron belts, but I'm happier than a monkey with Feces. I went to to Tropical Island yesterday to get an app and they said as soon as you finish the app, just come in and we'll give you an interveiw. I did that and the guys are awsome. The resteraunt is going to awsome too. Well anyways I just got a call from them and they said that I need to come in on Monday to talk to them, so I'm going to and hopefully that means that I got the job! This is awsome! Have a grand old night people. I'm really excited.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Gimmie $150!

Sweet Babies! I knew that the Nintendo DS was coming out this month, but I did a search on what games are coming out. Actually I went to and clicked on games and then searched for DS games, and I found that some sweet game titles are coming out on the day of the release of the DS. Not to mention that they are making a Super Mario Brothers game for it! I mean an original one for the DS. Not a copy of the ones from the NES or SNES or anything. I think this is going to make Sony realize that hey they should try to make their PSP come out sooner than spring of 2005. Seems like that Sony has been working on the PSP longer than the DS. I don't know, but according to this one article, graphically, the PSP is going to be better. But than again the article (which was actually 2, one that was for the DS and one that was for the PSP) for the PSP said that the PSP will be graphically close to the PS2, while the DS articale tells be that the DS is a little better than the N64. Now I don't know what that means, because the PSP isn't as good as the PS2 graphically but that could mean it's a little better the the PS1. So we'll have to see when it comes out. I will probably get both the freaking things because they both sound awsome. And I hope to get this job at the Tropical Island that is opening soon. The resturaut by the old bowlign alley. I'm picking up an app tomorrow because when I called today, they said I had to wait until tomorrow. So hopefull I can get this job and be able to afford the DS and PSP and an XBox and craping my pants with video games. See since I'm only 16, I can't work more than 20 hours a week so I will still have video game time. Happy times I tell ya what. What I wish is that Blizzard would work on Starcraft Ghost by themselves, because they've done great jobs in the past wioth games. Sounds like that Nihilistic did a lot of the work when they were part of the project and sounds like Swinging Apes is doing a lot of the work for Blizzard on it and Blizzard is spending their sweet time on WoW. Now I'm looking forward to Wow (World of Warcraft by the way) but I was more excited about SC Ghost! I'll have to just see how the game is going to turn out. I'm sure I will like it either way, but I still think that since it's Blizzard's title that they should be the ones doing a lot of the work on it and not just "supervising." Well I hope you people will have a great night and a great whenever I type again. Just wanted to let you know I'm pooping my pants over the DS. Just to let you know I'm not Pro DS or Pro PSP, I'm excited for both of them, it just that the DS comes out on November 21 of this year baby!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Great day baby

Currently Listening to Relient K, Mmhmm

Well as you can see I went and got my CDs. They both are the bomb. Mmhmm is the best RK CD, in my opinion, and I like Grit's second CD better than their First CD (by first CD I mean Dichotomy A and by second I mean Dichotomy B). Both very very well done CDs. Lyrics are awsome, music is awsome. Man my CDs this year have been awsomer than peanutbutter and jelly. I will have lots of CDs to review come 2005. Well today was a great day because I have no homework, and I'm finally going to get this peice of junk computer, hard drive formatted. I had 7 CDs worth of videos on my computer, and now I'm like "My computer is running slow, I can't install anything, crap for crap, might as well just put some important stuff on one CD, plus I dont watch those videos very often." Not to mention that all my Red Vs Blue videos (which would have only taken up one CD for both the seasons) can be dowloaded again. So I just decided to screw brak show, sealab 2021, and Space Ghost, and say good bye to them since I never watch them anymore. RvB is pretty much what I watch, but like I said, can be downloaded easily from their site. Yucky! I need to clean my mouth wound. I got food in it apparently and my mouth has a horrible taste in it. Well have a nice night. I'm going to eat and than go to fun night. Peace dudes.:)

Monday, November 01, 2004

Been awhile...

Currently listening to Relient K

First off I must say I feel fine now. Can't eat foods that are crummy. There are a lot of foods that are crummy. Well I have to say that tomorrow I'm heading down to the Rainbow Shop and picking up two Cds. Relient K, and Grits. I say that I enjoy Them very much. I'm very excited over Relient K's CD. What's new in my life do you ask? Nothing really. Still no job. Me thinky that I'm going to get a job at that one resturaunt that is going to open where Capitol Lanes used to be. I have a couple places in mind. I need to find out if they are giving out apps. Well what i'm going to do is mumble for awhile. I didn't spend much time in front of my computer last week end. I went down with Charles and my brother and shot my gun. That was fun. Annoying that I had to leave after an hour because I had bowling, or so I thought. I didn't have bowling. Stupid schedules. I missed the first day so I didn't get one. I went to a halloween party on Saturday. We pretty much just played Mafia, which that game is fun but after the Tenth round... it gets a little boring. We also played some other games, and then we left and I realized hey it's only 9 because of daylight savings. So some friends and I went and got some food and went down to the river and sat in my car listenign to music and talking. It was more fun that it sounds. Then we went to my house and my friends had his XBox in his car so wer played Halo and they slept over. That was fun. That's my highlights. November 5, I believe, is game night at the Light Club. Be there or not be there. Video games baby. Bye bye.