Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Dummies are easy, but actual ones suck

What is that all about you ask? Tires. Ok I'll tell my little story as you are confused probably about why tires suck but dummy tires are easy (dummy tires as in your spare donut tire of your car). Ok so I get in my car and drive home from At Any Cost (which was hosted by us this year) and I drive home and everything is grand til i notice this guy honking his horn and pointing to my front right of my car, which is where my dent is still at. So I nod at him, because im just one block from me home. I thought he was pointing out my obvious dent in my car, but i get home and look at it and my tire is steaming and is sinking. In other words, I get home, my tire goes flat... joy. So i get a lession on how to change a tire from my daddy, and it's pretty easy... getting the dummy tire on, because those are smaller and just plain easier to get on than a regular tire. So i put this thing on and and the next day we bring it to a tire place to have it repaired, or see if it could be repaired, and 5 hours later they tell us it can't be. So i get a ride to school with my brother, the next day, and get home and a new tire is there for me to put on. This is where i figure out how much harder it is to put a real tire. First off, you have to bring it to height with the jack, and cranking a jack long enough and stopping every now and than to see if you can get it on, there's a lot of trial and error. Second part, the part where you put the tire on. Tires are heavy and when you are kneeling, you have to lift with your back... not good. And going through this a couple of time because of trial and error, it's a pain. Now i get the new tire on and im like "Yay i get to drive to school tomorrow!". I drive it school the next day and everything is grand utnil i get out of school and the freaking tire is flat. This is today by the way. So i take off real tire, put on dummy, drive home slow, fill real tire, take off dummy, and put on real. Hopefully this time it will hold air. No reason why it shouldn't. Nothing is scratching against it or anything. It's a freaking mystery. My car is going through a lot. I mean a dent, flat tires gallore, and my power stearing goes out sometimes when it's cold. Something needs to be replaced. Well I'm going to go so lataz.

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