Thursday, February 16, 2006

It's a quick one

So I decided to update you on my condition. Well I'm finally not sick. That's the good news. The bad news is that I can't hear out of my left ear, so if you talk to me and i ignore you, move to the right side. I'm also out of my medication that's suppose to make my ear infection go away. That's a bummer. I didn't use the pain pills at all... for i had no pain, and no diarriah. But I can't hear out of my left ear. I think I stated that. My ear iches, whcih can be a sign of healing. Anyways, enough of infectous ears.

Basically I went and saw the dentist yesterday, and i went to see the eye doctor today. Both went well. I might have to see a doctor on Monday about this ear. It's kinda annoying. You feel as though you aren't in the conversation, when you are having a conversation, when you can't hear out of one ear. So that's kinda weird. And I'm gonna eat some food.

Friday, February 10, 2006

I really should sleep

So today I didn't go to school. My dad called in for me. I also called into Target and told them I was too sick to work. Probably a good thing. Last night, I went to work, they said the first two people done with their zones could just leave. I was the first one done, that was allowed to leave (managers and my brother in electronics couldn't leave). So I got to leave at 8:30. Good thing. While I was zoning, I started not being able to hear out of my ear. As I was driving home, my ear started hurting. I got home, and it hurt really bad. There is no possible way to ignore an ear ach that is constant. I tried. I couldn't sleep, until i somehow fell asleep at like 1:30. Than woke up at 4:30, in the morning. My ear didn't hurt, but I didn't get anymore sleep, until like 7:00... I had to wake up at 7:45 for school. So I just had my dad call the school for me, and than set up a doctors appointment. Went in at 10:30... which kinda sucked because I didn't get anymore sleep. The nurse took my blood pressure, weight, pulse, etc. I'm healthy apparently. The doctor comes in, asks me whats wrong. Well my ear hurt last night and I couldn't hear out of it, but now I can't hear out of it, but it doesn't hurt... unless i hic-up. So he pops me up on the table, and points the light thing into my non-infected ear, and than goes over to the infected one and goes something along the lines of "holy cow. Do you(my dad) want to see this." and so my dad looks and the dr explains that my ear should be grey on the inside... apprently my ear was really red on the inside. Which means I have a Middle Ear Infection. Now since I'm allergic to Penisellen(i can't spell. I think you can figure it out) which would have been the easy way and less exspensive way, I had to go with some pills. Now apparently they are suppose to cause pain, and diahria(my spelling is way off today... I'm sick, I have an excuse) so he also prescribes me some pain killers... that make me sleepy. Thus far, I've felt no pain (well no new pain) and no diahria. And the pain killers didn't make me sleepy. So yeah. That's my sick day story.

I also finished watching the Roughnecks and i forgot that the series stops at a cliffhanger... which kinda sucks because the series was canceled. Talk about disappointing. Well I'm probably gonna head off to bed.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


So I was debating whether or not to finish my project, or blog. I decided on blogging. But I have a battle project due tomorrow. It's on the Battle of El Alamein. It's a World War II battle fought in Egypt. It's an interesting battle. I have to do it with a partner. I picked the wrong person as my partner. I thought I might have picked a good partner, because he said he was interested in WWII battles, but really, he hasn't done much, except complain that he is tired. Sometimes you just pick the wrong partners. Anyways, I'm going to move onto something for interesting.

Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles has to be one of the best TV series I have ever seen. That's why I bought it on DVD when I heard that it came out on DVD. Oh man. It's even better than I remember. Probably the best animated series ever. It's CGI animated. I forget sometimes that it's animated, because the animation and graphics, and voice acting is so good. The plot and dialogue is awsome. It's not like the Starship Trooper movies. The movies sucked pretty bad, but the series is awsome. The series is based more on the book than the movies were.

On Monday, when I woke up, I felt fine. I went to school and was fine. By 7th period, my throat kinda hurt. I get home, throat still kinda hurt. After supper, throat hurt, and was kinda tired. Around 9:00 I was kinda sivering, and I went to bed. Fell asleep and woke up an hour and a half later. Kinda was sweating and I had a fever and sivering at the same time. I think I feel asleep. not quite sure. I woke up again (if I fell asleep) at 1:30 and kinda sat in the living room, because it was kinda cool in there, vs. my hot room from my fever. I went to bed and left door to room open to cool it off., Fell asleep til 4:30. Kinda wresled around a little, and i realized my parents got up, which was at 5:45. It was a downer cause I had to get up in two hours. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep, and went to check my clock, and it said 9:30... 2nd period started at 9:15. I arrived at school at 10. So I'm sick again. Last night I had a head ach, and a scratchy throat, and was tired. Today i have just a scratchy throat... and a project to finish for school. Which I'm gonna do now so bye.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

I'm Like "What's goin' on?"

I went and did my blog reading today. I got a little behind, but that's ok, because the only person that actually updated, was Air John. Pete did, but he was updating about how he should update, and i agree, he should update. I'm debating if I should get an IPod Video, 30 gb. Mainly just because I'm getting tired of looking at my Mini and going, "Oh... you're almost full. I should've gotten the 6 gb." But now they don't make Mini's anymore. And Nanos only go up to 4 gb. I really hate my ITrip. It doesn't work very well. I have troubles making it work on my radio in my room. I haven't tried it in my car lately. I assume the worst for it. Oh well. Then I just ordered a recharger so i can just plug it in at home to charge it, vs. plugging it into my computer, while it is on and charging it. $35 with shipping. Killer. I was gonna do the 2-3 day shipping, but it would have been $43. And that number I did not like. I didn't even like the $35 number for the 3-5 day shipping. Oh well. The base price for it was $25, so shipping is murder. I need to stop buying so much crap. My last pay check didn't even reach 200 bucks.

So I was reading Air John's blog and he mentioned the OK Go, band. So I was like, "I'll check them out." and so i went to their site, clicked on music, and listened to "Invincible" and I must say, it was a really good song. Then I went and updated my blog, just now. This here post.

Today I cleaned my computer and my computer desk. I deleted a bunch of crap from my computer. Then I got rid of a bunch of crap from my desk. Then I went shopping online for an IPod charger. Then I played some Starcraft... who would have thought that with all the games that I have, I picked an eight year old game. I think it's eight. And now I'm seated before the computer typing a blog. I'm boring probably. That's ok. I'm gonna watch a DVD. Enjoy the rest of the Super Bowl, if you are watching it, or if not, then enjoy the rest of the evening.