Sunday, February 05, 2006

I'm Like "What's goin' on?"

I went and did my blog reading today. I got a little behind, but that's ok, because the only person that actually updated, was Air John. Pete did, but he was updating about how he should update, and i agree, he should update. I'm debating if I should get an IPod Video, 30 gb. Mainly just because I'm getting tired of looking at my Mini and going, "Oh... you're almost full. I should've gotten the 6 gb." But now they don't make Mini's anymore. And Nanos only go up to 4 gb. I really hate my ITrip. It doesn't work very well. I have troubles making it work on my radio in my room. I haven't tried it in my car lately. I assume the worst for it. Oh well. Then I just ordered a recharger so i can just plug it in at home to charge it, vs. plugging it into my computer, while it is on and charging it. $35 with shipping. Killer. I was gonna do the 2-3 day shipping, but it would have been $43. And that number I did not like. I didn't even like the $35 number for the 3-5 day shipping. Oh well. The base price for it was $25, so shipping is murder. I need to stop buying so much crap. My last pay check didn't even reach 200 bucks.

So I was reading Air John's blog and he mentioned the OK Go, band. So I was like, "I'll check them out." and so i went to their site, clicked on music, and listened to "Invincible" and I must say, it was a really good song. Then I went and updated my blog, just now. This here post.

Today I cleaned my computer and my computer desk. I deleted a bunch of crap from my computer. Then I got rid of a bunch of crap from my desk. Then I went shopping online for an IPod charger. Then I played some Starcraft... who would have thought that with all the games that I have, I picked an eight year old game. I think it's eight. And now I'm seated before the computer typing a blog. I'm boring probably. That's ok. I'm gonna watch a DVD. Enjoy the rest of the Super Bowl, if you are watching it, or if not, then enjoy the rest of the evening.

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