Monday, April 24, 2006

EA Indirectly Killed My Computer

I'm sitting on my computer in the basement. For those of you that haven't realized, my room is upstairs and I rarely use the basement computer. So why am I blogging from it? Basically, look at the title. You should read the post previous if you haven't. I wanted to play Sims 2. But since the little CD emulation thing, I couldn't. So i looked for a way around it. I thought, "Hmm... ah hah, No CD hacks! Geneous!" So I tried to find one. EA did a really good job to stop hackers. I couldn't find one... but what I did find was a freaking virus! Or more like 10 Viruses roled up into one fake No CD Hack! So EA indirectly gave me a virus. Now I'm planning on formatting my hard drive. Oh and right before I "installed" the "No CD hack", I decided to uninstall Norton. Yeah. I installed Avast, which is another antivirus program, but it required a restart, which i hadn't done yet. Yeah. Hate to say this, but I wish I would have had Norton then. It probably would have helped. Avast is doing it's job... somewhat. I mean it's finding a bunch of viruses and deletes them, but there is a virus program that creates those viruses at start up, and Avast can't find it apparently. I decided on formatting. My computer has been slowly decreasing every since my last format. Oh well. I shall live. I just backed up a bunch of files. All I have left is some video files... about 10 gigs worth if I want to wait for some videos to download, which I am doing right now. 5.88 Gigs worth. That's a lot by the way.

I'm gonna let you to yourselves now. Later cats.

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