Saturday, July 31, 2004

I'm back!

Well this is a surprise to get back to. It's a good thing that i was logged out or I would be like... "Whoa... what's all this new stuff!" But I was logged out and i saw a news thing that said "wysiwyg" and I'm like "Jigga?" and then it told me it means "what you see is what you get" Let's test it out shall we? Let's start with a little red. A little green. A splash of blue. Well that was fun. Well I just posted to let you guys know I'm back and I'll be posting a short journal on my vacation. But I'll let you guys figure out that I'm back. Post ya in a couple of days.

Monday, July 12, 2004

I eat too much

Let's see, we had to take a food diary for biology. I ate... let me get the calc out. 3800 Calories. I busted out the graphing calculator for that. I ate at burger kind fo lunch so that would explain the high Cals. There's 790 in a medium milk shake. That's a lot. Well I'm going to a family reunion this weekend. Not a big fan if you ask me. I mean we have one every 2 years and I don't know half of them. There's no one my age there so there's really no one to hang out with. probably the closest is going down in age and hanging out with 5-10 year old girl cousins... i guess they are my cousins. I should take up horseshoes so I can participate with the older family memebers. watching is alright though. Well it's pretty much just one day because we are going to get there a day late so just one whole day and half. I dont even remember what I did 2 years ago to entertain myself. I think I ate food and watched horseshoes and had my picture taken hundreds of times. I can't help that I'm so cute ;). After the reuninion we are going to my cousin Joy's wedding (i know her because she's my dad's brother's daughter and we see him a lot) She's one of my favorite cousins. Than we are going deep sea fishing which will be kinda fun i think. Then we enjoy rest of our vacation by going to zoos and seeing sights in washington, oregon, and canada. Well i better go so bye bye.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

It's Hotter than the Devil's Armpit

Man it's hot outside. Humid too. Had to mow the lawn. It wasn't bad when you're mowing and moving around, but when you have to empty the bag, all of a sudden things just get hot when you're empting the bag. Weird... maybe I'm just weird. Oh well. I was looking at something and realizing what a rip off hotmail is. I mean you get 2 mb. of storage, while gmail gives you a gb. That's a lot. That's 1024 mb. Well enough about that. I finished one of my two reports for this semester. It's alright. It's about the Fluctuation of Devil's Lake. I had to look up fluctuate cause my vocabulary is forgetful. It means the rise and fall of something. Anyways, by other report is going to be about diabetes. Hopefully it'll be alright. Well I have a test tomorrow so I'm going to finish studying for that. Bye bye peeps.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Holy Haircuts Batman

I think everyone got a haircut today. Charles, Jake, Chane, Monkey... yeah lots of people did. We have a cousin named Sara?!? I should pay attention to my family. Let's see... don't recall a cousin named Sara. Must be like a 2nd cousin or something... I don't think so. Maybe like a cousin from like my grandma's sister or something. I know my all my family up to my grandma's and grandpa's, but not my grandma's sisters or grandpa's sisters. Nope can't think of a Sara. Maybe I should post this as a comment on his blog then talk about it and make you listen. Hey my blog was messing up. I didn't post 2 posts for the longest time. Well I have a little quiz tomorrow so I'm going to look at my notes... after I get a sno-cone. Bye bye.

I got a haircut... a short haircut. It's short. It's alright. Have to get used to not having my hair in my eyes. Hey my blog posted twice again. Silly blog. I also bought the new Grits. It's a very energetic CD. All through the CD just pounding beats and fast lyrics. If you enjoy the Hip-Hop, I would recomend it highly. Their not just doing the Hip-Hop thing well, they are also being God's Word. Getting it out loud and clear. Well I need to eat and get listen to this CD so lataz.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

goodness monkey

Man blogger is being a pain for me. I publish the post and it takes long while to post and I go to the site and it doesnt seem to work. Well I leave it and go back the next day and it's there, but there are two of the same post. Oh well. You get double the fun then. Then my printer is being weird. I'm like "Hmmm. I'm not seeing red in my pictures i print." So I tested it. See my printer uses 4 different ink cartridges: black, magenta, cyan, and yellow. So i went into pain and made a small square and painted it all magenta. Well i printed it... it came out blue... cyan if you will. I open up the hood of my printer, and i take out the magenta and I tap the ink thing with my finger. Sure enough i found some blue in it. Not a lot of blue but there was some in it. Must have leaked into the magenta. The cartridges are in da right spots, and the cyan prints blue just like it should so I need to clean the magenta with a moist towellette. Enough of dat stuff. Tomorrow I plan to get a haircut finally. My hair is gettin' too long. I also hope to get a new power chord for my printer. At a different store of course because i don't think the barber shop had power chords. Radio Shackypoo doesn't have the kind I need. Monkeys. On happy news, I get to go to the Zoo tomorrow for summy schooly. We have a really nice zoo compared to a lot of other zoos. Not a lot of animals but really clean and nice. Well I'm going to go so bye bye.
goodness monkey

Man blogger is being a pain for me. I publish the post and it takes long while to post and I go to the site and it doesnt seem to work. Well I leave it and go back the next day and it's there, but there are two of the same post. Oh well. You get double the fun then. Then my printer is being weird. I'm like "Hmmm. I'm not seeing red in my pictures i print." So I tested it. See my printer uses 4 different ink cartridges: black, magenta, cyan, and yellow. So i went into pain and made a small square and painted it all magenta. Well i printed it... it came out blue... cyan if you will. I open up the hood of my printer, and i take out the magenta and I tap the ink thing with my finger. Sure enough i found some blue in it. Not a lot of blue but there was some in it. Must have leaked into the magenta. The cartridges are in da right spots, and the cyan prints blue just like it should so I need to clean the magenta with a moist towellette. Enough of dat stuff. Tomorrow I plan to get a haircut finally. My hair is gettin' too long. I also hope to get a new power chord for my printer. At a different store of course because i don't think the barber shop had power chords. Radio Shackypoo doesn't have the kind I need. Monkeys. On happy news, I get to go to the Zoo tomorrow for summy schooly. We have a really nice zoo compared to a lot of other zoos. Not a lot of animals but really clean and nice. Well I'm going to go so bye bye.

Monday, July 05, 2004


I love this country. I mean the freedom to blow up stuff. can't beat that. Little kids handling fire... I love this country. I also love printers. I got a free one. It's pretty nice considering how old it is. It's colored, one that needs 4 different cartrages, but hey it was free. It also needs a plug outlet but I can buy one at radio shack. This weekend i went to Plentywood so that was fun. I blew up some fire works. I bought some dakota dynamite (just fire crackers) , some bottlerockets (illegal in montana... oh well i shot them off anyways), one roman candle (also illegal... I'm a fugitive man), some of these whisteling things and they blow up... their weird, some of these roman candle wannabes that shot one shot and went in the air, some nighttime parachutes adn i think that tis all. I like my new printer. not too bad of quality, considering it's a Canon BJC3000. That's old. I needed new Cyan and Magenta cartridges but didn't wanna pay a lot of money so i got some of that ink that you just replace in the old cartridge... it's for HP printers, but it had all the colors. It worked pretty well. So I'm gonna stick with it. I mean my fingers are different colors and i used a ton of newspapers and napkins, but it worked. Moist towel wets work well to clean up ink. How do i know that you ask? well it came with them and i used them to clean up the counter... they give you 2 small ones. They work really well but i need like 5 of those to clean up my hands. Just get a job at Red Lobster and it'll be ok. I love this country. The freedom to worship is one of my favorites. The freedom to say whatever I want, I love that one too. I'm very greatful I live in the USA. well If you have any comments, Please feel free to leave them.

I love this country. I mean the freedom to blow up stuff. can't beat that. Little kids handling fire... I love this country. I also love printers. I got a free one. It's pretty nice considering how old it is. It's colored, one that needs 4 different cartrages, but hey it was free. It also needs a plug outlet but I can buy one at radio shack. This weekend i went to Plentywood so that was fun. I blew up some fire works. I bought some dakota dynamite (just fire crackers) , some bottlerockets (illegal in montana... oh well i shot them off anyways), one roman candle (also illegal... I'm a fugitive man), some of these whisteling things and they blow up... their weird, some of these roman candle wannabes that shot one shot and went in the air, some nighttime parachutes adn i think that tis all. I like my new printer. not too bad of quality, considering it's a Canon BJC3000. That's old. I needed new Cyan and Magenta cartridges but didn't wanna pay a lot of money so i got some of that ink that you just replace in the old cartridge... it's for HP printers, but it had all the colors. It worked pretty well. So I'm gonna stick with it. I mean my fingers are different colors and i used a ton of newspapers and napkins, but it worked. Moist towel wets work well to clean up ink. How do i know that you ask? well it came with them and i used them to clean up the counter... they give you 2 small ones. They work really well but i need like 5 of those to clean up my hands. Just get a job at Red Lobster and it'll be ok. I love this country. The freedom to worship is one of my favorites. The freedom to say whatever I want, I love that one too. I'm very greatful I live in the USA. well If you have any comments, Please feel free to leave them.

Friday, July 02, 2004


I found the comment stuff. Yeah. I don't think anyone would want to leave a comment, but it'll be nice to see if anyone reads my blog. Well I'm going to go so bye bye.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

19 to go... or 18 now

Just ignore the title. I'm wondering how this guy is getting the comment thingy... did i miss something? Must have. So on that note I will say hey to all the people out there. If you haven't heard a sweet song by Dashboard Confessional, I suggest watching their music video they made for Spiderman 2. It's a pretty great song. Not to mention Spiderman 2. Well I should get some sleep so night night and I missed somethign with that Comment feature i think.
19 to go... or 18 now

Just ignore the title. I'm wondering how this guy is getting the comment thingy... did i miss something? Must have. So on that note I will say hey to all the people out there. If you haven't heard a sweet song by Dashboard Confessional, I suggest watching their music video they made for Spiderman 2. It's a pretty great song. Not to mention Spiderman 2. Well I should get some sleep so night night and I missed somethign with that Comment feature i think.