Tuesday, July 06, 2004

goodness monkey

Man blogger is being a pain for me. I publish the post and it takes long while to post and I go to the site and it doesnt seem to work. Well I leave it and go back the next day and it's there, but there are two of the same post. Oh well. You get double the fun then. Then my printer is being weird. I'm like "Hmmm. I'm not seeing red in my pictures i print." So I tested it. See my printer uses 4 different ink cartridges: black, magenta, cyan, and yellow. So i went into pain and made a small square and painted it all magenta. Well i printed it... it came out blue... cyan if you will. I open up the hood of my printer, and i take out the magenta and I tap the ink thing with my finger. Sure enough i found some blue in it. Not a lot of blue but there was some in it. Must have leaked into the magenta. The cartridges are in da right spots, and the cyan prints blue just like it should so I need to clean the magenta with a moist towellette. Enough of dat stuff. Tomorrow I plan to get a haircut finally. My hair is gettin' too long. I also hope to get a new power chord for my printer. At a different store of course because i don't think the barber shop had power chords. Radio Shackypoo doesn't have the kind I need. Monkeys. On happy news, I get to go to the Zoo tomorrow for summy schooly. We have a really nice zoo compared to a lot of other zoos. Not a lot of animals but really clean and nice. Well I'm going to go so bye bye.

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