Monday, July 12, 2004

I eat too much

Let's see, we had to take a food diary for biology. I ate... let me get the calc out. 3800 Calories. I busted out the graphing calculator for that. I ate at burger kind fo lunch so that would explain the high Cals. There's 790 in a medium milk shake. That's a lot. Well I'm going to a family reunion this weekend. Not a big fan if you ask me. I mean we have one every 2 years and I don't know half of them. There's no one my age there so there's really no one to hang out with. probably the closest is going down in age and hanging out with 5-10 year old girl cousins... i guess they are my cousins. I should take up horseshoes so I can participate with the older family memebers. watching is alright though. Well it's pretty much just one day because we are going to get there a day late so just one whole day and half. I dont even remember what I did 2 years ago to entertain myself. I think I ate food and watched horseshoes and had my picture taken hundreds of times. I can't help that I'm so cute ;). After the reuninion we are going to my cousin Joy's wedding (i know her because she's my dad's brother's daughter and we see him a lot) She's one of my favorite cousins. Than we are going deep sea fishing which will be kinda fun i think. Then we enjoy rest of our vacation by going to zoos and seeing sights in washington, oregon, and canada. Well i better go so bye bye.

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