Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Holy Haircuts Batman

I think everyone got a haircut today. Charles, Jake, Chane, Monkey... yeah lots of people did. We have a cousin named Sara?!? I should pay attention to my family. Let's see... don't recall a cousin named Sara. Must be like a 2nd cousin or something... I don't think so. Maybe like a cousin from like my grandma's sister or something. I know my all my family up to my grandma's and grandpa's, but not my grandma's sisters or grandpa's sisters. Nope can't think of a Sara. Maybe I should post this as a comment on his blog then talk about it and make you listen. Hey my blog was messing up. I didn't post 2 posts for the longest time. Well I have a little quiz tomorrow so I'm going to look at my notes... after I get a sno-cone. Bye bye.

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