Sunday, July 11, 2004

It's Hotter than the Devil's Armpit

Man it's hot outside. Humid too. Had to mow the lawn. It wasn't bad when you're mowing and moving around, but when you have to empty the bag, all of a sudden things just get hot when you're empting the bag. Weird... maybe I'm just weird. Oh well. I was looking at something and realizing what a rip off hotmail is. I mean you get 2 mb. of storage, while gmail gives you a gb. That's a lot. That's 1024 mb. Well enough about that. I finished one of my two reports for this semester. It's alright. It's about the Fluctuation of Devil's Lake. I had to look up fluctuate cause my vocabulary is forgetful. It means the rise and fall of something. Anyways, by other report is going to be about diabetes. Hopefully it'll be alright. Well I have a test tomorrow so I'm going to finish studying for that. Bye bye peeps.

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