Sunday, January 01, 2006

When the world caves in

Yay! One of the first ones to blog on this new year. Anyways, I'm running on low, because I got three hours of sleep last night. Why, you ask? It's not like i wanted to get only three hours. I went to bed at 10:45... I feel asleep at about 3:45. What happened? Well couldn't sleep at all. I was laying there for a long time, then about 12:30 I'm like, I'm going to read. So I read two chapters in my book and felt I should go to bed. Still couldn't sleep. My mind still racing about. I was laying threr for a while, and then I'm like, still not tired, gonna watch some TV. Watched some family guy and futurama, then nothing. Then I'm laying there again, and I just started talking to God. After that I fell right asleep. Sadly I had to wake up at 6:45. Had to go to work. :P I had plenty of energy, until about 3:00 in the afternoon, when sleepiness hit me, and well, I wasn't aware of what I was doing anymore. I went home at 4:30, when I got off work... actually I stopped at Rock 30 and bought an XBox for a friend, but then I went home and slept. for about two hours, and then I had to eat, and then after I ate, friends showed up, because I was hosting a New Years Party. So now it's 1:25 and I have to run powerpoint for churchypoo tomorrow. Apparently we are only having one service tomorrow, at 9:30. Running Powerpoint has it's perks for a day like when we have only one service. I can show up at 9:25 and still get third row, center. And now for what's on Roy's mind.

Lots of things are on Roy's mind. So much that I think I could write a novel. It mainly involves how idiotic American's can be. But I'm not gonna rant about that. I will tell you a story about how my brother was working in electronics, and a person hung up on him while talking to him on the phone. He wanted a raincheck. For those of you who don't know, rainchecks are slips of paper, that have a barcode, that gives you the sale price of an item that we ran out of, while it was on sale, at a later date when we have the item again. The person wanted a raincheck... over the phone. Sorry, but technology is advance, but not so advance that we can send slips of paper through the phone, without a fax machine. Another Guest (customer) called on of my coworders retarded, and wanted to see the manager. I have lots of stupid stories from work, but I will save those for another time.

I've really like the Castlevania games. I've really stumbled into them, recently. After I bought Curse of Darkness, I had to play all of the Castlevania games... in chronological order. So I'm starting with Lament of Innocence, which I am almost finished with, and ending with Dawn of Sorrow, which I will buy for my DS soon. Yes I bought a DS. I have no games for it right now, but I have one. I also bought a PSP. Why do you ask? I ask myself the same question, now. I actually bought the PSP awhile back, and I bought Twisted Metal and Burnout. I beat Twisted Metal, which was a fun game. I love the series. Don't really like TM Black... too gruesome for me. Burnout is fun, except the have too many Crash events. 100 Crash events, and only 75 of the other events... that are way more fun. I mean, for Crash, I have to wait about 60 seconds for the loading to finish, and then I crash... which takes about 30 seconds. And then I have to wait 60 more seconds after the event, and then the process repeats. So it gets annoying. And Crash gets way to repetitious (beyound me if that is spelt correctly... maybe it's not a word). Oh well. Maybe I'll turn around and sell my PSP. We'll see what will happen. Maybe they'll come out with a game that I will want for the PSP. Whatevs. There's a lot of games that I want for the DS. I just need to buy them. Anyways, I better wonder off to bed. Happy New Year, peeps.

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