Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Um.... let's see. Well we have a project due for pagent tomorrow, which I had to work with a partner(I hate partners, but at least I got a good partner that does his part of the work). We worked on it for two hours on monday and two hours today. Joyful. We got the main things doen in class, but we had a couple of things left. I had to finish up our "Propaganda" which was just a pamplet. I had everything I needed, except for pictures, and I needed to type the words. So I got that done... except I just finished doing that, and I worked until 10:30... tis now 1145. I found the pictures right away, it's just I had to print them on our laptop, and my floppy drive kept ticking me off, and the laptop kept ticking me off, and well, I don't like being ticked off by computers. That ticks me off. I got it done... well kinda sorta. I have to cut out the pictures and text, and paste them onto this paper, that looks like a pamplet. Joyful. I'll do that tomorrow during lunch. Joyful. I get to spend my lunch cutting and pasting stuff, and making sure that I am ready for my presentation.

On a joyful note, my birthday is tomorrow. 17 years of age. Wow. I'm treating it like a normal day tomorrow. Why? Because it will be... except in pagent people will sing to me, because my teachers had to check whose birthday is when. Joyful. As much as being sung to is joyful, people don't mean it. At least not in pagent class, where no one knows me. Joyful. I wish I could go up to see my grandma this week end, but I have to work on sunday. It's kinda a non joyful week for me. I mean a presentation on a subject I could care less about, not being able to go up and see my grandma, working 5 days in a row, although I have 4 days off now. Maybe I'll feel more joyful tomorrow, or thurday or friday since i don'thave to work. Or sat. I almost forgot that. Maybe I should plan a birthday bash this weekend. Just have a couple of friends over and play video games, watch movies, and the such. Nothing fancy, just things that I like to do to relax. Yeah I think I'll do that. It's making me feel better. More joyful. Blogging is helping me feel better. I'm glad I decided to stay up and extra 15 minutes to blog. I'll just have to go up to see my grandma another weekend though. So far I've gotten a couple of presents. I've gotten 20 bucks from the grandma i've been talking about, and I got some special car rugs from my other grandma. They're special because they were custom made, and have my name on them and something like "celebrate the graduate of 2007" or something like that. My grandma is getting me a lot of things custom made. She gave me a pen with my initials for Christmas last year, and last year for my b-day she gave me a keychain that said "dont drive faster then your gardian angel can fly", and it had my name on the back. I treasure these gifts. I don't want to put the rugs in my car, because I don't want to get them all muddy and ruined. She'll probably tell me not to worry about it. My brother and mom got me a video game. She went to Target today and asked me what I wanted and bought it for me. I wonder what my dad will get me. That's always a mystery, but never a dissappointment. He usually buys it like 6 months in advance. He probably already has my Christmas Present. Yay! Happy Birthday to me. It is currently 12:01 am. Now I can go out and watch R rated movies and buy M rated video games. Joyful.

Well, I'm gonna go. This post has made me feel a lot better. Have a Joyful day, no sarcastic on the joyful.

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