Sunday, October 30, 2005


So basically my first draft of a 4 to 6 page report is due tomorrow. That is why I'm blogging because i'm trying to put it off... or maybe i got a thinking block, and am having some troubles. I basically have my three main topics to talk about from my thesis "Steps Theodore Roosevelt took to preserve the enviornment," and those main topics have faultered on me. We have to right our notes on note cards and we have to have 30 notecards. I have the 30 notecards of notes, but how i'm gonna put them in my report is beyound me. I also have to have 4 sources, which i have, but they faultered on me, except one. half my report came from one source, and now the rest are just not good. Well, i'm gonna go back and try and type up this report. I figure it will be best. My notecards need to have headings that fit the main topics, but now that I don't know what my main topics are anymore, that kinda faulters on me again. So I'm just gonna type and see what happens. Good night peeps. Peeps as in people and not the little easter candy things you eat.

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