Monday, October 03, 2005

If I had to guess, nothing can be understood

How long has it been? 9 days? It's been awhile. Man. what happened to the day when i had nothing to do, so I blogged several times a day, everyday? Oh well. I realize I haven't complained about any teachers this year, yet. Usually my teachers are good at teaching, but this year I have the worst teachers in this one class. It is American Pagent (combines english 11 and US History into one class, for two hours, for the whole year). Now I'm thinking, why did I take this class? Really, the concept isn't all the great. English 11 and History. Sure they can be related, but I am gaining nothing from it, considering there is probably more stuff to do. Sigh. But the teachers. They're nice teachers, but they are horrible teachers. Goodness me. They are best friends, so they like to babble on about things that don't matter, and they like what they do a little to much. It's good to like what you teach, but when you get a freaking heartattack over "Transidentalism" and "Romanticism", and you love maps a little too much, you have passed that "like what you teach" into "you are teaching it horribly" zone. The english teacher, actually makes the transidentalists sound like a bunch of hyprocrites, and they probably weren't. She loves them, but when she teaches about them, they sound like Hyprocrites, and I probably could use a little spelling lession. I like Romanticism, at least I like Poe, as you well know. I dislike the transidentalists, but maybe it's because this is my first year I've heard about them, and the teachers suck at teaching about them. I'm just disgusted by them. And I have to tolerate with them for two hours a day for the whole year. Not for one semester, not for only an hour, but two hours a day for a whole year! This is going to be a long year.

On a different note before I think about bringing rocks to school, I do have some great teachers, like my math teacher. I always have a great math teacher... except freshmen year. That was a fluke though. I'm probably making a too big of deal over this Pagent thing. Hopefully it'll get better. Anything else? I don't think so. I've been working for the past 5 days. But after tomorrow, I have 4 days off. YIPPY! I'm gonna go. Bye. You don't have to leave.

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