Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Hello everybody. What's goin' down? Nothing? Ok. Typical response to any of the following questions: "What's up?" "What's Going Down?" "What'd you do today?" "What'd you do [insert any previous time]?" "What's the squareroot of zero?". yeah. And what's the typical response after "nothing"? "That's good." Anyways, it's my birthday. Today was a good day considering I flunked a spanish test, and i don't htink we did to well on our presentation. Oh well. It was a good day, overall. I think it's because I didn't have to work.

It snowed here, in North Dakota. Crazy. I swear, there was no fall. There was summer, and then winter came. Actually I think there was one day of fall. That day was Monday. Then it kinda skipped over to winter. It snowed a lot. Lots of schools didn't have school... but Bismarck is anti snow day, so we have to go to school... but then again we didn't get 3 feet of snow like Dickenson, and our power didn't go out, like many other places. I went to shcool this morning, and was walking through the parking lot, and the parking lot has a bunch of dips, and so there was a large puddle, or a lake as i like to call it, and I'm like "I need to walk around it" so i did, and there was some snow on the edge, and so i decided to follow the snow, and the snow collapse, and i went ankle deep in water. My feet were wet all day. So my feet have been cold, cause I took off my socks, and they got cold. So now I'm wearing puppy slippers... just because I wear puppy slippers, it doesn't make me less of a man... don't judge, the Bible tells you not to. Hehe. My feet are warm though. Ooooo, I also got a dollar raise, at work. That's fantastic. Not because of my birthday, it just that a lot of people were promised raises, and didn't get it, so now they are giving a dollar raises to a lot of people. I'm happy bout that. I'm kinda running out of things to update on. I'm kinda just sitting here looking at the screen. I could rant, but that take up a lot of posting space, so I'll just save rants for another time. Later

1 comment:

Molly said...

Happy Birthday, Roy! How is it possible that it snowed in North Dakota? In never snow's here in Washington. It just rains and rains and rains and then is snows and then it rains so then we get slush. Joyous activity it is. A dollar raise is pathetic. Not to rain on your parade or anything but a dollar? That's it!? Pathetic. I have to go take a shower and study for my driver's ed final!!! happy frolicing. AND DANG IT, GO CHECK OUT MY BLOG!!!!