Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Mystery part 13

Before you read this, please read the post labeled "Mystery!?!" and any other "Mystery part..." It's way back in my archives.

Well this isn't the last one but it's getting closer to being finished. Hey at least i worked on it. I got rid of that typer's block. Here is Mystery Part 13:

I did what every self-respecting paranoid person would do; I ran around my room like a pansy screaming like a little girl. After that I changed my pants. After that I decided to grab my gun. I began to wonder, wonder who and why was killing me, and the others. I wondered what Holland and Daisy were thinking when they were killed. Were they worried that they might be killed after Slitwit died? I tried to settle down and think logically; tried to put together what clues I had. All my suspects were dead pretty much. I guess the police could have done it. I mean how could they have missed those footprints. They didn’t really ask me a lot of questions when Kris was killed. They could have done it.
I’m goin’ looney. I guess it was the sense of paranoia at it’s greatest. Then I thought for a moment. The element… sleeping… hmmm. This was beginning to make some sense. Then all of a sudden, I heard the door open. I swung around only to get half way and collapsed…
Later… much later… in a place that Jacob doesn’t know where he is at…
Owie. I began to come to. I opened my eyes to find out my head hurt and I was strapped to a table by a chain. Now I knew for sure I was in a bad place and soon to meet the murderer. The lights were off in the room except this blinding light in front of my face. Couldn’t see anything out of the radius of the light. Then I heard a voice. So, so familiar.
“Good evening Jacob.” the voice said.
“What did I do to you! Let me go!” I said
“Now now. Be calm. I will keep to my word; I won’t kill you unless you leave town… now that will be kind of hard if you are tied to a table.”
“You haven’t answered my question; why do you want me?”
“Well Jacob, you have been searching for whoever killed those poor people. So my job is to get rid of the person doing the looking so that he doesn’t tell. You know who I am, you just can’t face the reality that I would do it.”
He turned off the light that was glaring in my eyes and the room was dark. Now I thought this was the end, but then he flicked on the regular lights for the room… he was right, I hid the fact that he did it: Jeff.
“Why? Why did you do it Jeff?” I asked.
“Everybody had a scar on them some place, Jacob. Everybody but you. I know where those places are where they have the scars. Kris, scar on her right arm. Jonathon Slitwit, scar on right cheek obviously, Charles, scar on his left ankle and you don’t know this but Holland has a scar on his stomach. How he lived that I don’t know.” Jeff said.
“How did you get your scar?” I asked.
“I have more then one. See they got their scars from me. It was in defense. Every one of them tried to kill me, Jacob. I just acted in self-defense with a sharp object that was near me. For example: I was sitting at my desk working on the plans for the business for Kris and Holland, when Holland came up quietly behind. I slightly heard him and by the time I stood up, the knife he had in his hand (that was meant to slit my throat) cut my chest. Just a cut. In self-defense I used the letter opener by me and jabbed pretty hard into his stomach. By that time he went running. I was there when you guys were telling your little stories; they are a bunch of liars.” He said.
“Why did you fake your own death?” I asked.
“Cause I knew Slitwit would get everyone together. He knew I was still alive and he was going to get all of you guys to kill me. He knew I was in town still. He knew my plan. I knew him, and he hated me.”
“Then why did he call me up?” I asked.
“Because he thought you wanted to kill me too. But he was wrong. Slitwit wanted me dead because I was stealing from the element that’s in the sewers. I found out its use. It works as a knock out gas. It just takes a little bit to put a person out like a light for a couple of hours. It worked well on you. Yeah I used it on you. That’s why you fell asleep so early. I didn’t want it to come to this where I would have to kill you, but I see now that I have too.”
He started toward me with a knife. I knew I had to do something, but couldn’t. I stared at the blade in his hand, saw it shine in the dim light. I just closed my eyes to accept my death.
“Can’t I have a last request.” I said.
He put down the blade. For a second I thought that he would give me a last request.
“How bout if I put you to sleep first? That’d be gracious of me. This stuff is so powerful that you won’t feel a thing when I slit your throat.” He took one of the rocks of the element and put it right in my face.
I became drowsy…

This is the end of the story…. Just kidding. There’s one more installment. Keep your eyes peeled.

I was just sittin' here...

and bobbin' my head to Grits's Ecard, and I was checkin' out information on it (reading previews and what not) when I got to the end of one of the reviews and it hit me... Grits DichotomyA came out today. So I'm sitting here and wondering why my brother has to work when he should be giving me a ride to the Rainbow shop so we can buy it. So right now I'm just sitting here listening to the Ecard and waiting till four o'clock so i can go to my eye appointment. I wonder when Relient K is coming out with their CD. Well anyways I'm going to go and do nothing for awhile or work on the mystery.
I was just sittin' here...

and bobbin' my head to Grits's Ecard, and I was checkin' out information on it (reading previews and what not) when I got to the end of one of the reviews and it hit me... Grits DichotomyA came out today. So I'm sitting here and wondering why my brother has to work when he should be giving me a ride to the Rainbow shop so we can buy it. So right now I'm just sitting here listening to the Ecard and waiting till four o'clock so i can go to my eye appointment. I wonder when Relient K is coming out with their CD. Well anyways I'm going to go and do nothing for awhile or work on the mystery.

Monday, June 28, 2004


Just so you know, someone finally went "when you gonna finish the freakin mystery" so I'm like "i suppose people want me to finish it" and he was like "slaps Savvy with a large smelly tuna fish" and I'm like "ill get it done at some point" and he's like "Right..." and yeah. So I'll get it done for you guys. I got some writer's block for the ending. It's also the longest ending I've ever written... that's not saying much. Well it's been awhile since I updated so I shall do dat. Last Friday was guys night out which we played some football and XBox. We were going to play Capture the flag against the girls but that didnt happen cause it seemed that it was illegal to go to the park after it closed. So we went back to the church and we said "hey it's almost midnight." So a lot of people left and then a handfull of people played predator till 1. That was pretty fun. I've also been watching Red Vs. Blue which is a parody on Halo and is made using Halo which is interesting and freaking hilarious. Than I blew off some fireworks today. It was fun. We went to this park place out of town (i forget what's it called, but it was public property) So we were blowing up fireworks when all of a sudden a police man came and was like "yeah you cant shoot fireworks here because (i forget the company) owns it and has banned fireworks this year. They havent announced it to the public yet. I wish I could recomend another park, but ND has banned fireworks this year on public property, so you have to go to shoot fireworks on a friend's land that lives out of city limits." (That may haven't been the exact thing he said but close enough for you to get the point.) So we cleaned up our mess of fireworks and left, but it was fun while it lasted. Well I'm going to go and maybe work on the Mystery or something like going to bed. Bye bye.

Monday, June 21, 2004

LOL. Prophet of Doom

That was weird. I was watching a commercial and it was for MSN. Well it was one where a lady was pregnant and they were thinking of a name for the baby and they were like "How about Cosandra?" "that's a nice name. I wonder what it means?" then the butterfly is like "Cosandra: Greek for Prophet of Doom." Man that would rule. I'm ahead now so I'm happy. Instead of waiting till a day before the report is due, I finished it today... it's due on Thurday by de way. Now that I have that one, I can finish the other report that's due on Thursday also, tomorrow. Hey I just got back from Walmart. What was I talking about... *reads what he typed* Oh yes. My report. Well they are choice report things. See for each semester (3 weeks in summer school) i need to have a total of 100 pts. total for reports. Well he gave us 2 projects that were worth 25 each (=50 pts) so I need to get 50 more points... now down to 25 pts. He gives us a list of things and their point value, to go by. What will suck is next semester cause I have to come up with 100 pts. There's one worth 60 so I might do that. It's kinda hard though. There are some things worth 5 pts on there. One of them is to take a plant and replant it in another pot. I don't know how he can tell if we did that or not. I shouldn't need 5 pts but i might. Well let's step away from summer school cause the thought of it makes me sleepy. Guess what! Since I'm the 10007th visitor of this week to visit my email, I won a 5 night free at a resort in Cancun! Wow! I didn't know so many people went to my email! I hate pop ups. well bye bye.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Happy Pappy's Day

Hey everyone. Me and my brother went together and got a snow cone machine for our daddy. He wanted one. We also had to buy him some flavoring stuff. They don't even come with one flavor. It makes pretty good snow cones. But it doesn't even come with cone either. They are pretty good though. I think our kids are ripping us off now days. A kid rang my doorbell yesterday and he was selling lemonade. Now being the nice guy that I am I bought one. He was so adorable. But he was also selling a can of lemenade for $1.25. It wasn't even cold! But i bought one like i said. What ever happened to homemade lemonade and it being cold and being sold for 25 cents? I should use dad's new snow cone maker to cell snow cones for 25 cents. That'll heat up the competition! I probably won't sell any cause I'm a big kid so no one would buy from me. Hey I have an idea Pete. We could give away snow cones for a summer Youth mission thing. I mean who doesn't like snow cones? They're good and cold. Nice for a hot day. Well I'm gonna go. So I'll see you on the summersault side. (get it? instead of the "flip" side. I make me laugh)

Friday, June 18, 2004


The simple question mark can mean so many things.... actually it can really only mean that you have asked a question... unless of course you like ending every sentence with a question mark, but i don't know very many people like that... actually I don't know anyone like that. Ah the question. I'm tired. I think a lot at night. I think about the day. I think about life in general. I think of how wonderful it is now. I think about the past, present, and future. Mostly though, I think about the future. Not the far future, but the soon future. Like I think about what's going on tomorrow, maybe a couple of years. I sometimes combine the past with the future like what would happen if i would have done this. I don't know. Stuff like, if I would have never moved here, and stayed in Glendive, would i have found God? I don't know but it doesn't seem likely by everything I've been hearing about Glendive. I think about the past and say "what if..." but I don't have the right. What if... his car hadn't stopped working on him? would he have gotten into that car to go to that party...? I don't have the right to say that... I don't know what God has in store for that. All i know is that He knows better then I do, so I'll put my trust in Him. I've spent a lot of time working on this post, mainly just staring in the screen, but I've got a feeling that I should post the post, type what's on my heart. I think I've stared blankly enough so I think I'll sign off but I want to leave you some words. Trust in God. Trust in Him all the way.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Oh Dear

I man I've been sneezing a lot. I can't believe how much I've been sneezing. I missed the car wash :( . I have good reasons. First off my grandma is in town for just today so I went out to eat with her. I got out of school at 12:30 and went out to eat with her and that went to 1:45. Then I have a speech that I need to finish up for Biology and it's due tomorrow (i told myself I wouldn't wait... i guess i lied to myself.) I'm almost done with it so it's good. I just have to type it up... which i should have done before i did this... oh.... well... I'll talk to you later than.

Sunday, June 13, 2004


I played that game a long time ago. For those of you who have never played the game I am talking about, the game is called "secret of mana" for the SNES. I just felt like taking the name of a rabbit killer looking thing as the name of my post. My mommy bought me a graphing calculater... for 50 cents! Graphing calcs are like 100 dollars so that's a good dealio. We had to buy 4 AAA batteries for it but other then that, it was 50 cents. I wonder if I can put Mario 3 on it... I'll have to look at the book that came with Destroyer's graphing calc. It didnt come with hookups or the book, but it has the slot for the hookups. It's an older version of the one that my brother has but it's the same brand so that's good. Summer school is at the point where we are doing projects now. I have 2 of them and one of them is due this Tuesday. I need to make a model of a cell. I'm in the process of making it and it looks alright... at the same time it doesn't look the way i pictured it but it looks alright. Then my other project is a speech. I have to tell about a career related to science, which isnt hard. Considering all the career's related to science. All the medical careers. Well I'm not sure what I was talking about cause I was talking on msn for 15 minutes without typing in my blog so I'll change the subject to Garfield. Garfield... it was an alright movie. I mean the preveiws looks good for it... but the preveiws were better than the movie. But the movie was alright if you are a fan of the fat cat who is exactly like my cat minus the fact that my cat can't talk and that my dog doesnt like my cat. Well I'm hungry for something so I think I'm going to cook some food for myself. It has takin' me a long time to type this blog cause I was talking on MSN. Well I'm going to make myself some food then play some video games then work on my cell then play more video games. Why dont I ever use my second half of my space bar as my delete key ever? That's a question that I cant answer until I make it a habit. Bye bye for real this time.

Friday, June 11, 2004

It's raining it's pouring the old man is snoring...

Well not really anymore. But it was. I rode my bike to Wendy's, which then it was sunny outside. Well anyways on our(i was with some friends) way back we stopped at a park and played on the playground stuff and we played a game of "no ground tag" which is when you cant touch the ground or you are "it" (how did the person that was "it" get the name of being called "it"?). Yeah well we started to leave cause it got cloudy and it started raing. Well we got to Northbrook mall and it was coming down hard by then so we went inside. Good thing to cause as we stood in there it started to hail! When it lightened up a little bit, we went on our marry way back home. Well on the corner of washington and insterstate Ave, there was a river. it didnt look that deep but it had a strong current and as i rode through it i discovered it was pretty deep. My feet got soaked by that. There was a whirl pool over one of those drainage thingys, which was pretty sweet. Well I'm gonna go play a video game. Bye bye.

Thursday, June 10, 2004


Hey people! What's going on? That's good. or bad if it is bad. Well I can tell you I'm not going to take Science as summer school again... 7:30 is too early to go to school. It's good to know that I don't have to take it during the school year though. I have a nice teacher though. He's cool. I like him. The weather has been weird. I mean i rode bike to school (knowing well that it was going to rain) and it didnt rain on the way there. But when we were waiting for a friend outside it wasnt raining but all of a sudden it started to down pour... i mean it switched in a second. No exagerating. Although that word is exagerated. Anyways it started to down pour and we went inside to wait. Our friend never came... well he did but he had to stop by his classroom and he disappeared for a long time. Well when we got started going home it wasnt raining. We got about 5 feet from the CHS parking lot and it just starts pouring. Just like the last time too. We just kept riding and it kept raining all the way. Oh well. Hehe it's pouring and it wasnt a second ago... I'm talking about right now. Man weird weather today. Well I'm going back to my TV. Man i play video games in the afternoon and watch TV in the evening. Fun times. Usually I ride bike in the afternoon but with da weather and all... yeah. Well good bye.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Oh yeah that's what else...

Happy B-day Pete man. 20 eh? Man I didnt even know you were 19... thinking about it... it doesnt seem he's 18 yet. Man I remember back in the day when he was 16... wait I'm 15 meaning I barely knew him when he was 16. Well I think that I should read peoples' blogs before I blog. Than I wouldn't forget about these things. Well peace out x2
Mmmmmm music

Mmmmmm... music. I like music. I can't wait till all the CDs that I've listed before come out and I like the Cds I have to listen too right now. Man I like listening to Blindside and their new CD. I've been in a rock mood lately so I want to listen to the POD, Thousand Foot Krutch and the Blindside. The irony of this is I want to listen to them but right now I'm listening to Rap. Well I also blogged to tell you that I cannot wait till the new Legend of Zelda comes out. No not Four Swords (although i wish i had a GBA then i would be more excited for it)but I'm talking aobut the New Legend of Zelda for the Gamecube which will be great. I love Zelda. I also cannot with till Paper Mario 2 comes out (I'll probably only rent, but it'll be fun). I need to get a job so I'll be ready for that thing called the Nintendo DS and the other thing called the PSP. So many games... so little money. Well peace out people.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

What's new?

Glad you asked. For one thing me not getting the mystery done(or even working on it). I've been using my monitor to its fullest. Been playing lots and lots of Starcraft. I made a map, but that blew up when I messed up the characters so now the wrong triggers are for the right players. Get it? I also spent a long time outside today. That was fun. Water fights are great. So is just lying around doing nothing. So is riding bike. Also A Knight's Tale is a great movie. What I don't look forward is to summer school. That starts on Monday. :P That's pretty much all that is new. I need to work on the Mystery. I better go to bed early tonight. I went to bed at 5... this morning. I slept till noon so i didnt loose a whole lot of sleep. Well I'm not paying much attention to this cause of the movie so bye bye all. Hope you guys have a great summer!